Seriously, though: RAM is cheap until you find your system filling all the RAM, and the OOM killer kicks in. then you will treasure every single byte of memory you can avoid using.
Treasure every single byte of memory? Who are you, Jeremiah?
I notice you often cite obscurities like the OOM killer to throw off your cross-examiners, a cheap courtroom ploy. The OOM killer code is utter garbage written during the Blandy days and never tested. Not that I mind as no non-trivial application recovers gracefully from OOM.
Interesting how you’re a purist when it comes to cl-lib, and an absolute maniac when coding basic C.
Famous last words.
Seriously, though: RAM is cheap until you find your system filling all the RAM, and the OOM killer kicks in. then you will treasure every single byte of memory you can avoid using.
Treasure every single byte of memory? Who are you, Jeremiah?
I notice you often cite obscurities like the OOM killer to throw off your cross-examiners, a cheap courtroom ploy. The OOM killer code is utter garbage written during the Blandy days and never tested. Not that I mind as no non-trivial application recovers gracefully from OOM.
Interesting how you’re a purist when it comes to cl-lib, and an absolute maniac when coding basic C.