• mommykink@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    Trump hits new poll highs with Black, Hispanic voters. What to make of it?


    Across five high-quality polls that have broken out non-White voters in the past month, Trump is averaging 20 percent of Black voters and 42 percent of Hispanic voters.

    Both numbers — and especially that for Black voters — could set modern-day records for a Republican in a presidential election.

    No Republican presidential candidate in the past 50 years has approached receiving 20 percent of the Black vote. Since Republicans took 18 percent in 1972 and 16 percent in 1976, according to exit polls, they haven’t taken more than 12 percent of Black

    See also

    Black support for GOP ticked up in this year’s midterms

    Republican candidates were backed by 14% of Black voters, compared with 8% in the last midterm elections four years ago, according to AP VoteCast, an extensive national survey of the electorate.