These people have never had most of what’s good in life. They’re like cigarette butts stepped on by life, and all they have left is the dopamine rush of believing their hate has the power of a god behind it. They work so hard to evoke anger that it’s easy to forget how utterly pitiful they are. But seriously, what kind of human waste spends a day this way? They’re engaged in a desperate exercise of pure fantasy, trying to convince themselves they have value. It’s sad as fuck.
That woman has never had an orgasm.
These people have never had most of what’s good in life. They’re like cigarette butts stepped on by life, and all they have left is the dopamine rush of believing their hate has the power of a god behind it. They work so hard to evoke anger that it’s easy to forget how utterly pitiful they are. But seriously, what kind of human waste spends a day this way? They’re engaged in a desperate exercise of pure fantasy, trying to convince themselves they have value. It’s sad as fuck.
And never will.
Which the Whabist Karen in the center or the you get one cosplaying as Amish to the left?
Maybe they should work on that problem together. If nothing else they would learn to chill out.