shut the fuck up. “the israeli-palestinian conflict is centuries long and sooo complicated, none of us americans can understand it” no it isn’t, the israelis stole the land that palestinians have lived on for thousands of years, committing a genocide in the process. they are unambiguously evil and all palestinian violence against them is justified self defense. simple as that

“oh my god climate change is such a complicated problem, how can we possibly balance the health of the planet with the needs of businesses” shut the fuck up, profit is anti-social behavior and should be reduced to zero wherever possible, and literally nothing is more important than the health of the planet we fucking live on. simple as that

in conclusion, shut the fuck up liberals. sorry to rant like this lol

Death to America

  • Erika3sis [she/her, xe/xem]
    10 months ago

    “Fun” fact: the State of Israel banned Yiddish-language theater and periodicals in 1949 and continued to enforce severe restrictions on Yiddish-language media through the 1950s, and founding father David Ben Gurion even once referred to Yiddish as a “grating, foreign language”, despite the existence of a distinctive Palestinian Yiddish dialect which had evolved among sections of the Old Yishuv since the 16th century. You might not be surprised to learn that active state suppression of the Yiddish language, as well as physical violence and psychological torment towards Yiddish speakers by fanatical Hebraist Zionists pre-1948, contributed greatly to the Yiddish language’s current endangered status…

    Hmmm, I wonder, what exactly do liberals call a state and movement with a long history of using physical violence, intimidation, harassment, propaganda, and other forms of torment, as a means with which to systematically and methodically destroy a centuries-long facet of Jewish culture?.. Geez, I dunno, the word escapes me at the moment for some reason. This conflict is just too gosh durn complex!