No, it started in 1948. And it was started by several Arab nations, who invaded immediately after Britain released their mandate in the region protecting Israelis.
Imagine claiming history has spanned a total of 75 years and that an attempted invasion at the beginning of time justifies a genocide in progress today.
No, it started in 1948. And it was started by several Arab nations, who invaded immediately after Britain released their mandate in the region protecting Israelis.–Israeli_War
Heard of the six day war? How about the Yom kipour war? Who started any of them?
Imagine claiming history has spanned a total of 75 years and that an attempted invasion at the beginning of time justifies a genocide in progress today.
Lemme ask you a question: how did Jerusalem get its name, and who lived there and named it thousands of years ago?
They also tried to straight up genocide Israel two more times afterwards too.