• OpenStars@startrek.website
    9 months ago

    Some people say that Biden has half a brain… and I think they are right!

    Oddly enough, I don’t care - he seems to be doing… I cannot say “well”, but given what he faced when he first came in, definitely a far better job than I expected. At this point even if he were a robot puppet animated by people feeding his lines to him, I no longer care b/c it would be those handlers that we would be voting for. And yet would Kamala jump to the same tune as he does, or like Trump ignore the briefings and strike out on her own? So once again, we devolve to a “Hillary vs. Trump”, now “Kamala vs. Trump” standoff, each side trying to play chicken, daring the other side to back off. The truly heart-breaking tragic part of it is that in such a game, it is no guarantee that either side will “win”, and at some point it becomes quite likely that BOTH will lose.

    I’ve spent a great deal of time trying to understand the weasel-wording, and what I came up with is this: anytime politicians say ANYTHING at all, they get judged for it, by some nutjobs somewhere. God exists, God does not exist, God exists and he loves people, God may or may not exist and he hates people, God yes/no exists and yes/no whatever whatever people, except he loves/hates YOU in particular, and so on. So the trick is to please the highest number of people by… saying nothing at all. Except that is too easily detected, hence the weasel wording, where they talk… but do not communicate. Then to complicate matters 1000x further, you are supposed to ignore all of that, and just focus on their voting record. Yes, ALL of those debates, the ENTIRE reason for their existence, is the profit of the media companies trying to sell them. They don’t “decide” anything, except for the tiniest, slimmest, barest sliver of people in the absolute middle who haven’t already made up their minds who they are going to vote for. Which might not even be 1% of the nation, though b/c of how polarized we are right now, might just swing the tide anyway?

    So think of it like car salesmen: oh you are so smart, wow you have such a good eye, you know most people do not think to ask such insightful questions - BULLSHIT! And yet… you need a car anyway, right? It is extremely distasteful to anyone that prefers Truth over LIES, but what other way is there, than to engage in politics, or not engage and just watch the world burn? (This is fine meme)

    And no I think Hillary literally thought that she would win - she managed to bully just about everyone on her own side from even so much as running (except Bernie Sanders who didn’t give a shit, and one other guy that nobody had heard of on the national scale), and then one of the various email leaks about her showed her illegal collusion with the DNC (e.g. she was given the questions that would be asked during the debate in advance, whereas he was not - giving her an enormous advantage). So “legally” (ha!) or not, she was going to push past all obstacles and take what she wanted by force. Arguably Trump may even have been put there to help HER win, but she seems to have underestimated just how much people HATED her, passionately even. Oopsie.

    I mean, why would Trump want to take a huge pay cut to run the WH? Simply reading a teleprompter in front of a TV screen was a much sweeter gig - far less effort, plus far less grief too. Though once she lost, ahem I mean he “won”, his ego would not let him turn it down. Remember how he wanted to try and do both - be President and still do that TV show that he had previously signed a contract for!? :-P

    I don’t think Dave Chappelle is homophobic, though he’s definitely transphobic, and there’s really something to that, as he explains: other people have a right to do whatever they want, but when YOU start telling ME what to do (i.e. in terms of mandatory pronoun usage), that’s the line that should not be crossed. Your rights (should) end where mine begin, and all that. And yeah, I do think he’d be friends with a trans person even - you don’t have to agree with someone 100% to enjoy one another’s company.:-D Though he’s tired of bending over backwards to all the woke BS, and so he draws the line in the sand - this far but no further. Bill Maher has switched to doing that now also - I used to not be able to stand that pretentious asshole, but now I see how often he’s right and thus he’s grown on me in spite of that.

    BTW, if you want to watch a fairly short video that could literally change your view of politics forever - hey, I genuinely am not kidding on that! - here it is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rStL7niR7gs. I have re-watched it many times over the last several years and still cannot wrap my head around it. It uses LOGIC and FACTS but… I don’t wanna follow where it leads:-(. Brainwashing cultural/societal influence from all of the various sources like Hollywood movies and just flat crowd-think from talking to almost literally everybody has quite a strong effect, and I realize that I am still under its sway. So anyway, be warned: this video can fuck you up, bigly :-| - but it does have the benefit of being true.

    • 0x4E4F@sh.itjust.works
      9 months ago

      Hm… I think you may have a point about Trump being a scapegoat for Hilary’s win. Never saw it like that, but yeah, you do have a point. His I don’t give AF attitude, his lack of word filtering (than again, republicans are like that, lol 😂)… not something a presidential candidate should be proud of, lol. And he is proud of that, you could tell, lol 😂.

      From his POV, I can understand running for president. I mean, the man’s accomplished in almost every other aspect in life. The only other thing he wasn’t really balls in deep was politics, so he probably thought, this is my chance, now or never.

      And yeah, I do think he’d be friends with a trans person even - you don’t have to agree with someone 100% to enjoy one another’s company.:-D

      He even was.


      That’s why I can’t say anything bad about the guy, even if he is homphobic or transphobic or whatever. I mean, no one’s perfect, he is like he is, and that’s fine, main thing is, he’s not a bad person.

      Regarding the video, I actually presumed as much. Still, it was a nice video, watched it till the end. Facts are facts 🤷.

      But, did you notice what was the root of the problem? I have, just haven’t phrased it like that and haven’t analyzed the subject like the guy on that channel has - money. Always have been, always will be. It litelarly is the root of all evil and unfair. The more you have, the more you want. Actually, it’s not exactly money per say, it’s just that money manifests this human trait all too well. It’s greed.

      I’ve thought about this long and hard and no matter how I try and salvage things, to be as much as they are now, I always end up with the same conclusion. Radical changes have to be made in order for us to survive as a species. Our economic and social structures, as well as what (currently) defines us as himan. Well, maybe not that last part (at least not extesively), but yes, we do have to evolve and completely drop, on a species level, some things that we hold on to so dearly. Trouble is, humans only unite when faced with grave danger on a global scale, so… this will probably never happen in our lifetime, but if we were to survive, it must happen.