Just had errors for the last minute, is it happening to other people too?

Normal reddit works fine.

Update: Normal reddit has issues loading the front page, but subreddits open normally

  • Semi-Hemi-Demigod
    355 months ago

    Imagine doing a site redesign so badly that you have to keep the old design up and running for years.

    • @tiramichu@lemm.ee
      5 months ago

      It only went ‘badly’ if you believe the users are the people who get to decide.

      The reddit redesign wasn’t done to meet the needs of the users - it was done to meet the needs of reddit the corporate entity. And from that perspective it went great.

      More uniform look, better marketability, better ad integration and monetisation, all those wonderful things.

      They knew the ‘old guard’ would hate it, and they simply didn’t care. They’d have killed it altogether but they needed those users to stick around, because it was the old crowd who provided content and free moderation, and all that great stuff… So they let old.reddit stay, simply to keep people mollified and prevent a riot.

      As soon as reddit thinks they don’t need those people any longer, it will be gone, just like the APIs.

    • @BlazeOP
      85 months ago

      Yes. I keep this post alive as it was interesting to think what would happen if they really killed it. Would a lot of disgruntled old.reddit users come here? That could be interesting

  • @OpenStars@startrek.website
    145 months ago

    One day they will. You can still block ads on old.reddit.com iirc, hence the incentive to do so. Right now (it seems) they would lose too many people if they did that, and they still need those content creators, for the commenters and lurkers to have something to engage with. But the moment that they can get AI to replace humans… I expect that old method of access to be shut down the very same day.

    Not that I care - I’ve long since enjoyed going there.:-( Except it will create a flood of disaffected people to come here - yay more content but also… FAR more need for moderation, bc they will bring their toxic attitudes, encouraged by Reddit standard practices, with them.

  • GrishAix
    5 months ago

    Same here :(

    Update: Deleted cookies. Now I can’t log in anymore.

    • @BlazeOP
      35 months ago

      It’s back on my side

    • @BlazeOP
      25 months ago
