I started with TeXworks (+ XeTeX, which both happen to have been created by Jonathan Kew) and I found no reason to change since then. The only slight drawback is that autocomplete support exists but is rudimentary, however it doesn’t bother me that much.

Which editor do you prefer?

  • @Unsafe
    24 months ago

    Nvim. autopair.nvim let’s you autoclose “begin[]” macros. Luasnip let’s you create custom snippets for every macro you use. I also use Emmet LSP for inline svg.

  • @GarlicToast@programming.dev
    16 months ago

    TexStudio, the multi view and jump to source/output is great on big projects. Zotero macro is very helpful. Compile/clean buttons that also work on multi file projects are huge time savers.