This thread is ONLY to talk about Keyboards, Notes, Maps and Music Players. I add video Music Players because probably some people want to know about good FOSS alternatives.

Little context


Why not build a megathread with the best and most reliable FOSS apps too help someone who want to join on the bright side of open source?

We (because this is not from me, this is from us) need to share thoughts, ideas and all things you want to say. Dont be shy. Upvote the comments you like and agree; disagree and tell why you disagree. This is will be different from others threads because this need a proper user opinion, and your opinions will be VERY important to build this. In short, your opinions and thoughts will be the fundamental source to build this.

I will read ALL comments to build this. Even if this has a million comments, I’m going to waste time reading it. Whatever it takes.

Your opinions about it are CRUCIAL and FUNDAMENTAL, because your opinions is the main-base to build the megathread.

Please, consider share your ideas and thoughts about apps on previous threads. Your opinions are really important to build final megathread. You can upvote or downvote posts so that comments gain strength and agreement between the community.


Discussion about Contacts, SMS and Dialers app is here.

Discussion about Calculators, Cameras and Calendars apps is here.

Discussion about Manager files, Recorders, Galleries and Video editors apps is here.

    9 months ago

    I’m extremely picky about Notes apps. I’ve tested so many Open source as well as closed source apps. I’ll be interested in what others are using, but the features I want are:

    • Cross platform (Android, Linux, and MacOS)
    • Universal format - markdown is a bonus
    • Good task handling with checklist support

    So what I’ve settled with is Obsidian (not open source) due to its simplicity of reading and writing to a folder hierarchy of plain text files. But since it sucks at task and checklists, I’ve been using Quillpad. It only syncs with Nextcloud at the moment, but there is promise of plain text file and bring-your-own-sync-solution on the roadmap.

    Notesnook is a nice app, but since it’s all E2EE, there is no plain text without exporting your notes manually. Shame too because it handles tasks and checklists very nicely.

    Honorable mention: Acreom it’s not open source yet, but that is on the roadmap. It is local first and plain text files on desktop OSes…but not on Android, meaning of you want to sync between your desktop and mobile you have to use their cloud. And I don’t want to do that.

    Joplin gets mentioned constantly. But it adds weird metadata to every text file and changes the titles of the files to some garbled hexadecimal string, which makes it impossible to know what you’re looking at at the file level. And the task management/checklists is awful. Android app is bad too. I’m sure I’ll get hate for hating on the FOSS golden child, but that’s ok. This is simply my opinion. Like I said I’m very picky.

        9 months ago

        It is very close. But it has more of a day view/outline focused approach which clashes with the way my brain wants to work. And seemingly, you can’t change that in the settings or with plugins.

      9 months ago it is really hard to find the perfect Notes app. I’ve tried a bunch and settled on Quillpad, synced with Nextcloud.

        9 months ago

        I do like Quillpad quite a bit. It’s the best Google Keep replacement out there at the moment. I would rather it not be tied to Nextcloud, and supposedly that is eventually coming. But for now I’m using it daily alongside Obsidian.

      9 months ago

      thoughts on markor? also, what do you mean acreom plans open source? what license?

        9 months ago

        I keep trying Markor. UI is rough though. And not a fan of the checklist and task management within the app. I do like that it’s just simple text files for sure. But not a very elegant solution.

        Not sure what license Acreom is going to open source if under. But it’s on their Roadmap