Self-driving tech is widely distrusted by the public, and Tesla’s huge Autopilot recall and Cruise’s scandals don’t seem to have helped.

    11 months ago


    Tesla won’t because cameras alone won’t work. The people who have access to lidar and radar as well as mics aren’t anywhere close to universal safe autonomous driving (outside of a predefined/maped location).

    And machine learning is in its infancy right now, it is unpredictable, unreliable in a lot of applications. And don’t even get me started on this stuff operating in any other conditions than bright sunny days.

    I’ve used lane assist (Elantra, Tuscon) and I find it to be terrible in many cases, long turns being the worst.

    Autonomous vehicles in warehouses have just as many issues and nowhere near the variables that a car needs to account for…

    Please take your head outta your arse and come back to reality please