Hello friends, the title is mostly self explanatory. I would like to start programming but I also feel like I am not very smart, so I would like a programming language that is easier to grasp than others. That considered I don’t hope to be able to learn something “powerful” but it would be nice to still be able to do some useful things. Something I would love to do is make games, I know those are usually made in C, which is a very difficult one, but maybe some simpler games can be made with other languages.

  • livingcoder@lemmy.austinwadeheller.com
    1 year ago

    They share a genealogy, but as programs are created and maintained in different languages, developers come to wish for different syntaxes that would (1) reduce how much code must be written to accomplish a common logical task, (2) make the code that’s written easier to read/understand, (3) reduce concerns about variable types until runtime, and/or (4) overly restrict not just the variable types but also if/when variables can be modified. This list is not exhaustive.

    There is a partial programming language family tree here, showing which languages influenced other languages: https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Genealogy-of-Programming-Languages_fig36_260447599