A chance encounter with members of the Ku Klux Klan led black musician Daryl Davis on a quest to determine the source of the hate. His unorthodox, yet simple...
This literally happened in 2019, the inquirer has an article about it and was documented by Pool and Rogan. Mr Davis was called a Nazi for planning to speak at a now canceled event that Pool was looking to have in NJ.
Rogan and dime store nickleback have no credibility to document anything. Pool specifically makes up bullshit all the time. Not that it isn’t possible for something like this to have happened. But if you’re taking the word of people like Joe Rogan Tim pool or James o’keefe. That speaks more to your lack of critical thinking and actual knowledge than anything else.
This literally happened in 2019, the inquirer has an article about it and was documented by Pool and Rogan. Mr Davis was called a Nazi for planning to speak at a now canceled event that Pool was looking to have in NJ.
Stop gaslighting
Rogan and dime store nickleback have no credibility to document anything. Pool specifically makes up bullshit all the time. Not that it isn’t possible for something like this to have happened. But if you’re taking the word of people like Joe Rogan Tim pool or James o’keefe. That speaks more to your lack of critical thinking and actual knowledge than anything else.
Yes, it happened. As I recall he tried to talk to the “protesters” but realized it was to no avail.