So far, I have to say that my #KDE #Plasma6 experience sucks.

The theme I was using doesn’t work. The icons all suck. EventCalendar, which was synced to my Google calendar is dead. Vivaldi looks like crap. The panel at the bottom of my screen is floating up probably 100 pixels, leaving useless space below it, I can’t find a way to sink it to the actual bottom of the screen. I had increased all my font sizes because my eyes are bad, they have all shrunk and changing the font sizes and the interface percentage doesn’t fix it.

So far, not a happy experience @kde

  • MylesRyden@social.vivaldi.netOP
    8 months ago


    I would agree with with many of the issues you have experienced here. Nothing personal, but I am kinda glad, I thought I was going crazy and was the only one having these issues.

    Totally agree on the shutdown, etc.

    Biggest thing that is broken for me is simple window management. If I have two apps on a desktop, clicking on the the bottom one doesn’t raise it to the top. If I open a context menu (for example, right clicking on a link in the browser) the menu opens UNDER the browser.

    On my machine, 6 is not ready for prime time. And I have no idea how to categorize things to try and report the bugs. Could be Wayland issues, but I can’t figure out how to start a Plasma 6 session in X11 to see if the problems go away. Maybe my window issues are a result of using Activities (which apparently no one else does) but I don’t want to shut all that down.

    I’ve decided to (re-)install Kubuntu to go back to 5.27 and hopefully come back when 6 is actually ready.