I mean, is it permanent or do I have a plan for getting back to now? If it’s permanent, the gun and bullets because fuuuuck that. I’m not living in medieval times as a woman. Even if pretty much all of history wasn’t a horror show for women, I have like, zero useful skills and I’m pretty sure I’d only understand about half of what people were saying because Old and Middle English were a total suckfest (and that’s if I didn’t end up somewhere they spoke fucking French or some shit).
If I’m just there for tourism, none of it. I’m not trying to get burned for witchcraft while I’m sightseeing.
I mean, is it permanent or do I have a plan for getting back to now? If it’s permanent, the gun and bullets because fuuuuck that. I’m not living in medieval times as a woman. Even if pretty much all of history wasn’t a horror show for women, I have like, zero useful skills and I’m pretty sure I’d only understand about half of what people were saying because Old and Middle English were a total suckfest (and that’s if I didn’t end up somewhere they spoke fucking French or some shit).
If I’m just there for tourism, none of it. I’m not trying to get burned for witchcraft while I’m sightseeing.
The language thing is a good point. Am I in 1000CE North America? Because I can fumble my way through French, but absolutely cannot speak Siouan.