• InLikeClint
      81 year ago

      Years ago, my buddy and I went to an NFL game. We had to cross two busy streets to reach the front of the stadium. After we crossed the first street we were stuck at a median waiting on the lights to change so were could safely cross. In the median was some nutjob christian guy yelling his bullshit in a microphone attached to a speaker. The longer we waited, the more people collected on this median and the more annoying this asshole got to me. I finally snapped and just started yelling random nonsense and even a few legit arguments to his nonsense. About 2 minutes passed and some guy behind me says, “hey man, let him speak”. My response was, “He has the right to say that shit and I have the right to say what I want to say. Now mind your own business”. My buddy laughed the whole time because he knows how I get.

  • @whataboutshutup
    21 year ago

    Robert Downey Jr. meme picture:

    Why, I’m supportive of these people’s right to get punched in the face.