
Adam Sandler gets therapy from a giant time and space fairing psychic spider and comes to the realization that his dreams and his mission to advance human understanding was wrong and should have come second to consoling his wife about her uterus and other mammal instinctual bullshit.

Fuck you, spider. Mental health is important but I personally place the future of mankind much higher on the list. Every moment we delay our intellectual development as a species is another moment of additional pain and suffering on an unimaginable scale.

10/10 worth a watch

  • Xhieron@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I love this. I love it because I immediately recognize the conversation. Know where I’ve seen it before? 1 Corinthians 7.

    Yup, this conversation about the challenge of pursuing higher ends despite the natural pull to family and relationships? It’s the same struggle people have been toiling over for thousands of years. This stuff’s in the Bible, and it hasn’t really changed. Is the man who pursues a family instead of the Big Picture doing the wrong thing? the right thing? Who knows.

    I think if we don’t annihilate ourselves people will still be bickering over this question in another millenium.

    I haven’t seen the movie yet, so I have no position on the space spider, but I love that this debate is so simple and timeless.