Thank you, I came here to comment that he looks like a turtle and there it already is, this masterpiece.
This man is turtley enough for the turtle club
Pure art
You won the Internet today. Thanks for posting that. Literally burst out laughing.
“aww hell yeah look at those fuckin rocks yes”
There’s some.
Identifying Rocks
“Yep, it’s rocks.”
That’ll be $12 please
I actually know him. Incredible guy. Was really pivotal in the discovery of the importance of the impact killing the dinosaurs.
Not John Smith. Jan Smit.
The Dutch John Smith. Very common first and last names here.
Last name, sure, first name though… There are some older Jans, but the younger ones are few and far between. At least where I live.
Looks pretty neat!
Hey that is pretty neat!
Okay but why does he look like shai hulud, the giant sand worm of arakis?
Looks like he’s about to squawk like a chicken.