On the latest WAN show Linus mentioned that he has seen a down tick in viewers on the channel. I’ve noticed that I’ve been not watching them as often.

I used to watch video even if I wasn’t interested in the subject. I thought it would cause interest.

I think I got burnt out by watching every single video and now I commit to none.

I only recently started watching WAN show again. But that’s just on in the background as I work.

Do you think they’re getting to big? Posting too often? Seems like they have to post often to keep a certain revenue stream.

  • @infinitevalenceM
    21 year ago


    Main channel LTT i still watch but I really want them to cut down on the amount of “data” they are trying to put into each video. The length is not bad but its almost too packed.

    I also need more jank in my life, many of the best video’s tend to be when Linus desides to do something he is unqualified for but does not know enough about the subject to think better of his choice.

    If they wanted to lean a bit into that kind of format maybe have it written by an expert where we end up with a well planed/finished thing where Linus is educated from the ground up.

    Some of the other channels? Yeah Im about ready to un-ring the bell on ShortCircuit many are too long, about products im never going to consider, and since they are basically unboxing i dont really get anything of value.

    • jgrim of SublinksOPMA
      21 year ago

      Yeah, I agree. They’re trying to be GN with their data and the lab. If I want details, I go to GN. I got to them for high level.

      ShortCircuit just seems like meme unboxings at this point. Most of what they open is stuff no one would buy.