• dragontamer@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    Idk why you think me telling you I don’t care about your job discredits me lol, I think you just don’t want to engage with the fact that your job is more important to you than people’s lives.

    Because its so obvious that your fake imperialism shit was so weak-sauce that you’ve resorted to just looking down upon me and insulting my job. Its kind of hilarious how shitty your argument is.

    Don’t worry, I’m enjoying this. As if you looking down upon others for what they do is like… a good debate technique or something?

    You don’t actually have anything to say about the Taiwan people, the history with the USA, their economic importance to our culture or like… anything that matters in this discussion. Just hilariously bad takes on what “imperialism” is.

    Taiwan is a 70+ year old ally who are the reminants of the Republic of China (Democracy China) back from the WW2 era, with huge contributions to the USA war effort vs Japan. And over the next 70 years, they’ve remained a close ally and even tied up their economy with us to strengthen this relationship. They’ve remained a democracy and capitalist partner, and even made some amends with Japan (who really wrecked them in WW2), showing themselves to be a kind and forgiving people. Etc. etc.

    And you think this is… somehow related to my job? Like anyone gives a shit about little ol me? I’m talking about long-standing relations, geopolitics, ideologies, friendships, alliances, economic benefits. And the best you’ve got is saying “Imperialism” and insulting me personally.

    Hint: no one gives a shit about me. Not even myself. I’m a nobody in the great scheme of nations, states, and these world events. If you don’t like my personal perspective or my personal benefits on this situation that’s fine, argue against me on the global scale and on the greater issues associated to this situation. And maybe next time, find a better word than just “Imperialism”.

    • whoreticulture@lemmy.blahaj.zone
      7 months ago

      You’re just really confused now I think lol and you’re not actually addressing my main point which is that it’s not worthwhile to go to war with China over economic interests - which has been consistently your main argument for why it would be worthwhile.

      Shitting on your tech job was part of that argument, if you don’t see that, idk maybe ask a friend to help.

      • dragontamer@lemmy.world
        7 months ago

        not worthwhile to go to war with China over economic interests

        Then what about protecting a long-lasting 70+ year old friendship with Taiwan?

        Do you know anything about the history of this region? Or are you blatantly ignorant about this as well? I’ve posted some tidbits of our shared history with Taiwan and why it just makes sense to treat them as a close friend.

        Or are you just ignoring other parts of my argument because you have literally nothing to say about it?

        Shitting on your tech job was part of that argument, if you don’t see that, idk maybe ask a friend to help.

        Indeed. Your apathy and caustic attitude towards me is acknowledged. Cool, now that that’s covered, do you actually have an argument or do you have a way to show me any kind of semblance of knowledge of this region or history? Or is shitting on me the full extent of your discussion powers?

        idk maybe ask a friend to help.

        You’re not getting it.

        Let me make it clear to you then. You’re so dumb and ignorant about this discussion, that your only way of conversing with me is apparently through insults. And this fact is fucking hilarious to me.

        Now prove me wrong. But I’m over here laughing at ya. Do you have anything better to say on this subject, or are you out? Or are you just going to say “Imperialism” again?

        • whoreticulture@lemmy.blahaj.zone
          7 months ago

          it’s funny how people just think that if someone disagree with them, the go-to attack is to say they don’t really care. I do believe you really care about your stupid job and prices of video games consoles and cars or whatever lol

          • dragontamer@lemmy.world
            7 months ago

            Yeah I get it.

            You don’t give a shit about our 70 year friendship with Taiwan. To the point you couldn’t even acknowledge it in your most recent post to me. That’s cool, you’re the kind of guy who wants us to give up on our long-term friendships because of “imperialism”.

            You got your chance, and you took it. You ignored the most important part of my argument yet again, the long-running friendship between our countries. Whoever reads these posts in the future: that’s the threat our country faces. Apathy, Nihilism, ignorance of history, betrayal of friends. And these people will offer fake crocodile tears and fake-care about imperialism.

            I think I’ve pushed this discussion far enough to prove my point. Not to you of course, but for everyone else in the future. Thanks for the discussion.

            • whoreticulture@lemmy.blahaj.zone
              7 months ago

              You’re trying to appeal to patriotism to support a war abroad, that’s like textbook imperialism lmao

              But anyway, I was just using the word imperialism because that’s how you were justifying the war with China. I don’t think it matters which evil global superpower has control over a particular region. The US and China are both imperialist countries, so it’s a useless argument to say we should fight China to stop an imperialist power. For what? So we can be the stronger imperialist power? If you want to send your kids off to war for that, idk maybe sign them up for football instead.

              Why should I care about “friendship”? Literally why does that matter. We’re also “friends” with Israel.

              You’re just giving up on the discussion because you don’t want to have to admit that you are willing to send people to DIE for your cheap computer parts.

              If you’re someone who truly cares about imperialism, maybe stop advocating for wars abroad with our hugely inflated military, and start advocating for Native American land back.

              • dragontamer@lemmy.world
                7 months ago

                Yet another post talking about abstract issues and nothing substantial about Taiwan. Got it.

                Proudly display that ignorance. Its fitting for you.

                  • dragontamer@lemmy.world
                    7 months ago

                    Yarr yarr Imperialism. I’m 15 and this is deep.

                    Long standing relationships between countries, people, defense, economic ties don’t matter. All that matters is imperialism. But not the kind that Chinese would do if they attacked other countries. That imperialism we should just let happen because other imperialism happening elsewhere is a bigger deal.

                    Its silly to care about other countries. Except when you care about Gaza, that is more important than huge economic, societal, political, and military relationships that have lasted decades across the pacific. Yaaarrrr, Israel bad.