I’ve heard a lot of people want to change app names. Which I’m totally fine with! I’ve heard a lot of love for the name “Voyager”
So, thoughts? Do you prefer renaming? Do you like the name “Voyager”? Any other good ideas?
Comment below!
I second this, it gives the impression that you’re setting out on a journey when you enter the fediverse which seems appropriate.
I quite like Voyager continuing Apollo’s space program theme.
Another option in tribute to Apollo is “Delphi”.
Delphi is the site of the Temple of Apollo and was an ancient sacred precinct and the seat of Pythia, the major oracle who was consulted about important decisions throughout the ancient classical world. The ancient Greeks considered the centre of the world to be in Delphi.
As well as the links to Apollo, Delphi’s history is of a community sanctuary and a central source of wisdom.
The term Delphi is more unique than Voyager so it will be more searchable and should be easier to secure a domain name.
Here are a few interesting quotes from the Delphi Temple of Apollo wiki:
The Temple of Apollo, was a major part of the Panhellenic religious sanctuary located in Central Greece at Delphi. The temple and sanctuary at large were dedicated to one of the major Greek deities, Apollo.
Within the ancient Greek world, Delphi was considered the center of the universe, marked by the omphalos, or “navel”, of the Earth that was located in Apollo’s sacred temple. The Temple of Apollo at Delphi was perceived as an incredibly sacred site, considered a major center of ancient Greek religious practice and belief as well as a place intimately connected to the gods.
The exterior of the temple was also decorated with metopes, with five major depictions of gods and heroes being victorious over monsters, a mirroring of Apollo’s defeat of Python during the mythological founding of the Temple of Apollo at Delphi.
The priestesses of Apollo, known as the Pythia, served as the oracle for the Temple of Apollo at Delphi. Greeks and non-Greeks alike would go to the Temple of Apollo at Delphi from across the Mediterranean and beyond to consult the Pythia on a variety of different topics, ranging from the state level like the establishment of new colonies to the personal level like marriage, children, and health.
Wouldn’t it be a problem that Delphi is a well established programming language? The name might sound weird/confusing to people who are familiar with it
Delphi for Lemmy
I think that Delphi would be a great name! It continues the theme that Apollo had and it has some name recognition too.
I love Delphi, fitting name for whatever animal the logo is. A mouse? A lemming? A badger?
I asked Bing to create an app icon combining a mouse with a ancient Greek philosopher, this is what it created.
I love Delphi, fitting name for whatever animal the logo is. A mouse? A lemming? A badger?
Voyager works, literally anything other than wefwef
How about ynamynam? After all, the opposite of wef is ynam.
Ok, almost anything else! I revise my statement, and I appreciate that you could point out the shortcomings in my comment! Heh
Haha I wasn’t really trying to be critical, but rather wanted to make fun of the silly fact that wef spelled backwards is few.
I like Voyager! Much better than Wefwef.
I could also see LEM for Lunar Excursion Module, the technical name of the lunar lander during the Apollo missions (a nice nod to Apollo app). Also has the benefit of being similar to Lemmy.
Lemmy Excursion Module!
That has a very nice ring to it.
My vote for LEM. Short, crisp, and fun.
Voyager is the name of the default testing instance for the Lemmy project AFAIK. Having two things in the Lemmy-verse called Voyager will be confusing.
Wefwef is nice for SEO and unique, so i don’t mind it, but like you said—i don’t know how to pronounce it.
My suggestion would be “Mooshuck”. Sounds fun, is easy to pronounce, doesn’t have any well-known project with that spelling, and means “little mouse” in Sanskrit. This would be keeping in line with Lemmy and Jerboa which are little rodents.
Please take this vote for Voyager. It’s a nice nod to Apollo, and it is a real word that people are familiar with.
Or Artemis. I’m not biased
Voyager is great!
I also like the idea of “shuttle” because that’s the program that came after Apollo in NASA.
I’m looking at NASA’s page right now and the program after Apollo was Skylab, which I think would be a dope name for wefwef!
(Alternatively there was an Apollo-Soyuz program but I understand that Russian names might not be super attractive at the moment.)
Changing now would not be a good idea. There’s a bunch of Apollo users looking for a new home (I’m in this group) and we’re all hearing about how great wefwef is.
Changing the name risks confusing people and missing new users.
I wholeheartedly agree with this. Eventually, maybe. But not right now. Stability and consistency will be most beneficial right now.
Don’t do it right now. You Save the identity for some time!
What about Phoebus, the Roman name for Apollo?
Wefwef is just fine.
I mean Lemmy is named after Lemmywinks, the gerbil that went up Mr. Slave’s ass in South Park, so Wefwef is a great choice in comparison.
It’s not named after lemmings?
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wefwef is unique, easy to remember and easy to type. If you search for it, it’s already on page 1.
You hit all the markers for a good brand. That will be hard to recreate with an ancient god name.
Keep it.
Not really, this is barely starting period and the page number 1 post you’re talking about is mine where I suggest changing the name to Voyager lol.
For me the GitHub repo is on page one.
This. If it ain’t broke don’t fix it.
If dogs could talk I’d say I completely agree!
Wef wef
it’s not easy to remember. I saw a post about it and went back later to check out the app and I kept thinking “mew mew” or “wep wep”
I legitimately forgot the name while typing this comment and had to make sure it’s not actually “wep wep”
Wafwaf :)
It’s not easy to remember. I prefer not to have too many things on my HomeScreen, trying to find this thing via Spotlight is always frustrating. Certainly wouldn’t have this issue with Voyager.
wefwef is memorizable, but I’d like to know what it stands for
I’d like to know what it stands for
literally nothing. It’s a name I came up with out of pure laziness: it’s where my fingers rest on the keyboard and I can type it one-handed 😂
This alone already counts as lore!
I’d appreciate a new name, but now I’m conflicted.
I feel the same way, liked the sound of Voyager but wefwef has a better back story. Wefwef is also more unique.
Yeah but try saying it out loud, then imagine trying to recommend it to someone. They’re gonna think you just barked at them.
I suppose its sounds so odd right now because it’s new. A lot of company/app names sound kind of dumb until we get used to it. The names Tiktok, Twitter, Kijiji, Snapchat, Bumble, Reddit, all sounded silly to me when I first heard them. Now I don’t even think twice about their names.
Good you can add a slogan: wefwef - save your right hand for more important tasks ;-)
Honestly I like the name wefwef. It is easily searchable especially when it is not exactly easy to search things across the Fediverse.
Organic names are the best names. “Voyager” sounds like something ChatGPT would come up with if you’d ask it to “name the next Apollo app”.
Edit: I just asked and it gave me “StellarFeed”.
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Time to retcon a meaning for it now, if you’re going to keep it. I’m really enjoying using it and the name is incidental, but I love a good invented mythology too.
Will you make it an app or will it be web based forever?
It’s possible
Let’s hope so!
Thank god! I was too afraid to ask and I thought I was just old and uncool for not knowing what it meant! 😅
I personally am down for the name change. Voyager sounds much more iconic and is easier to pass on verbally than wef wef. It’s also better to make such a change as early as possible to avoid confusion for newcomers.
The verbal part is probably my biggest gripe about wefwef. I love it otherwise.
I’m curious, what do you mean by the verbal part?
Telling people about it verbally.
I don’t like wefwef, mostly because of that (and how it looks like a sex term), but while Voyager sounds cool it has no uniqueness. And while it’s nice to reference Apollo, the entire design already does, the name doesn’t need to. That said I back “LEM” since it does relate, and also relates to Lemmy.
why? what’s bad about calling something wefwef? it’s just a few repeating sounds. seriously I don’t get it.
Plus Star Trek
wefwef is decent, it’s already got some tractions and recognitions, the SEO is already there as well. The logo on the other hand can use some works.
Totally fair!
This one has been proposed: https://github.com/aeharding/wefwef/pull/71/files
The proposed one is a bit cartoony, not sure how it would look like on real device though. It’s okay to experiment with different kinds of Logos, corporations do it all the time.
Nooo! Please keep the current one!
I’m sorry but I absolutely hate that new one. The current one isn’t anything fancy but it’s cute and clean.
I’d like to suggest an outline one.
The new one looks much better
I think a bigger concern would be that Voyager already exists as a Crypto App with a significant amount of downloads.
In the spirit of Apollo, other possible names could be Artemis, Soyuz, Phoebus, Orion, Helios, etc. There’s no shortage of space programs/deities to pick from.
The crypto app went bankrupt so I don’t think they need the name anymore.
Good catch. I’m all for Voyager then seeing as someone else snagged Artemis
My understanding was that Apollo was a reference to the moon missions of the same name, and thus, Voyager would be referencing Voyager 1 and 2, sticking with that space vibe. Was I looking at it wrong/misinterpreting it?
But yeah, the crypto thing is a bit of an issue, but I think that one, this being a web app, and two, it being a VERY different thing means that the likelihood of confusion is quite low, and those who do accidentally get the other one will instantly know something’s off. Just my take.
You’re correct. To quote Christian himself, “ Reddit is kinda space themed -> app helps you explore Reddit -> spaceships help you explore space -> thus app is a spaceship -> Apollo is a cool spaceship name
I like the God of Knowledge answer too”
Artemis is the double-whammy as in Greek mythology she is the sister to Apollo, and the Artemis program is also the successor to the Apollo program; bringing human space exploration back to the moon.
Similarly Soyuz was the Soviet equivalent to the Apollo program, though I understand that might come with some unwanted political baggage.
Orion is also a Greek deity, and the Orion spacecraft is used in the current Artemis program.
Helios and Phoebus are other Greek equivalents of Apollo. (Other possibilities could be Ra, Utu(g), Amun, Mithra, etc.)
I also saw someone mention LEM (for lunar excursion module) which I think is genius, if not a bit confusing with lemmy, especially for folks new to the whole federated internet thing
Ooooohhhhhh, that makes a lot more sense. In that case, if Voyager doesn’t end up becoming the name (for the reasons you already listed), Artemis would be an absolutely genius name.
It’s already taken by another lemmy app
Doesn’t matter tbh, it could just be named as Voyager LM and that would serve as distinct enough.
Artemis is already taken by the kbin/lemmy app formerly known as kmoon
Finished my 3rd rewatch last week. If it’s called Voyager, it’s gonna be pretty tempting to makes the switch. I’m coming from Sync for Reddit, waiting for Sync for Lemmy…