Adderall 2 days in a row now makes me paranoid, and I’ve never really been able to get a doc to prescribe vyvance or anything else, and frankly at this point, I’m afraid to do stimulants. Strattera made me feel weird.

Has meditation helped? cutting sugar, more exercise? keto? nofap? I’m really battling trying to focus on one task, then realizing I want to do 100 other tasks, so I start the research into all of them, thinking I’ll do them all, one at a time, and 1000 browser tabs later (not an exaggeration 32gigs of ram can manage that), I realize I’ll get none done.

  • Your
    1 year ago

    Caffeine is a stimulant. I find that after a cup of coffee I’m OK for about 4 hours. I try to schedule my focus time during the first half of the day, and then allow the second half to be research time.

    While I’m working, I tend to have a list of three things I want to work on. If thing.1 stalls, I can open thing.2 and then thing.3. I can’t do more, or I’ll forget to go back to thing.1. If all three things stall, I grab a bit of dopamine via a video game or SM and then go back to thing.x where thing.importance is max.

    I also have a couple of backup tasks in case I can’t work on the big three. There’s always documentation and expense reports.