For me the first thing that comes to mind is Tales from Earthsea. I don’t think it’s excellent or anything and has plenty of problems but people act like it killed their dog. While it has its problems that have been covered extensively, I think it has a beautiful atmosphere and art.

IMO it would have been better received if it wasn’t advertised as an Earthsea adaptation and was just its own thing.

    6 months ago

    Counterpoint, nobody watched it for the CGI. The characters only seem annoying now because they were over the top then and moved the goal posts for that over the course of a generation of being repeatedly aired on broadcast television and cable. The plot seems basic now because so many sci-fi movies afterwards we’re influenced in some way by it. The 5th Element is a fun bombastic sci-fi romp and you’re taking it way to seriously to enjoy it the way everyone that does enjoy it will do. But, you do you. I’m not telling you you’re wrong. Sometimes entertainment endeavors fail us, sometimes we fail to enjoy entertainment on its terms because of our predispositions.