Why is a very rich country like Singapore doing so badly in decarbonising. They should be ahead of the game.
We’re pro-business, and decarbonizing is nothing but bad for business. Lip service only. It’s up to you to pay 5c for plastic bags tho.
@Integrate777 I would haev thought there was a lot of business to be had developing decarbonizing products.
Renewables (solar, wind) need a lot of land, which Singapore lacks. Nuclear is iffy because, safe as it is, one meltdown = destruction of the entire country. No geothermal or hydro resources available.
Singapore’s best bet, really, is to pay neighbouring countries to generate renewable energy on its behalf. Then you get into the issue that Southeast Asia is a lot less developed and hence further behind on decarbonization.
Corpos, friend. They follow money, not ethics. And rich people in Singapore tend to be corpos (as in every other country).