• ByteJunk@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    That’s completely unrelated. Biden is the current president, and he must answer for his decisions.

    If Biden is concerned he’ll loose to Trump over this, THEN STOP FEEDING THE GENOCIDE. It’s that simple.

      • TheFriar@lemm.ee
        6 months ago

        You are entirely missing the point here. You seem so deluded by factionalism that you can’t see this as anything but a democrat vs Republican issue.

        This is a HUMAN GODDAMN LIVES issue. A literal genocide is happening and you’re playing the whataboutism game. “Whataboutism” is used way too much as a phrase in discussions, but this is a textbook example of it.

        “Biden is contributing to genocide.”

        “But trump is a criminal.”

        “Okay…but people are literally being slaughtered and starved on the US’s dime and the president is still voicing support in the face of the atrocities we are all witnessing.”

        “But trump-“

        Just stop. No one here likes trump. We understand stacking domestic chaos on top of this issue is no good. But we are faced with no good option right now. The entire argument for voting for democrats over republicans is usually “but we can push the democrats through shame to do what is right.” THAT IS WHAT THIS IS.

        We’re not playing politics. We’re playing try to save some goddamn lives with civil disobedience.

          • TheFriar@lemm.ee
            6 months ago

            Like, it’s something we all understand. But that doesn’t absolve the Biden admin’s full-dive involvement. This administration is complicit in genocide.

            That doesn’t mean another president wouldn’t be as well. The US as a country and entity is complicit. But that’s what we’re trying to change by calling out the weaker link—because the point isn’t playing politics. It’s stopping the genocide. What’s happening right now in Gaza is untenable. And Biden is supposed to be the better option—again, yes, we all understand trump would not be better. But that doesn’t change what’s happening. We need to be able to pressure our representatives, especially when they claim to be morally superior to the “other” party. And especially when they’re more likely to change. We have Biden over the barrel because it’s an election year, and he’s seeing a ton of pressure from people he needs the votes of. Hats leverage we don’t typically have. We need to use it. Also, it’s fuckin genocide. I don’t know how else to say it. And it needs to stop. This isn’t us claiming anything except we don’t want what’s happening to continue. We’re not discussing the election. This supersedes it.

            This is what we need to do. Because, the point is stopping the genocide. Not playing politics. And that’s what you just can’t see past. Like I said, we voted for Biden knowing he was supposed to be the more morally sound option. And here he is participating in genocide. We are trying to push the president who is vulnerable on this issue to do the right thing. That’s what needs to happen. BECAUSE THERE IS A FUCKING GENOCIDE TAKING PLACE. That fact isn’t going away, no matter how much of a disaster trump would be. This president is vulnerable on the issue, and the point isn’t politics. It’s stopping a goddamn genocide.

            What is your point you’re making here? Because you’re not saying anything anyone else doesn’t know. But that doesn’t we shouldn’t be skewering Biden for this. Because he holds the reins of power. This is what we should be doing, if not more.

              • TheFriar@lemm.ee
                6 months ago

                No, you’re still missing he point. The thread you’ve been involved in, this thread, has been “biden is complicit in genocide.” “Well trump is bad and would be worse.”

                No one had said anything about the election when I jumped in except for you. But again, my point is this supersedes what’s happening in the election. You’re displaying factionalism. Democrat vs Republican is the arena you’re operating in.

                There is a genocide happening. Full stop.

                And it needs to end. That is where this conversation ends.

                Saying, “well…but, the other candidate—“

                No. This isn’t about candidates. This president is in office for almost another year. People are protesting what’s happening. The election only serves, in this situation, as leverage for us. Because this is bad timing for Biden because of the election. That’s its only involvement here. Except for your comments.

                You can’t see past the poison that is the two party system to understand that it’s not even part of this discussion. Genocide. No. End it. That’s the conversation. And you keep bringing up a person not currently involved in it.

                If that’s what the conversation I jumped into was, then this conversation and my point would be different. Check it out, I’ve made this point many times because I’ve seen this situation being leveraged to tilt the election away from Biden. BUT THAT IS A DIFFERENT DISCUSSION.

                Making this conversation, where people are putting pressure on the president to save lives and stop a genocide, about biden’s opponent in the upcoming election is wrong. It’s a nuanced difference, but I can’t make it any more clear. You either get that or you don’t. And so far you don’t seem like you’re getting it.

                • T00l_shed@lemmy.world
                  6 months ago

                  Not missing the point. Yes he’s complicit, never said he wasn’t. I don’t know why you think that that is what I think. Ignoring what can happen in November is short sighted. I’m not saying to stop putting pressure, hell they need to ramp it up. You either get that, or you don’t, and so far it doesn’t seem like you’re getting it.

                  • TheFriar@lemm.ee
                    6 months ago

                    Jesus Christ, man. When the conversation is “_____ is ______.” and your entire argument is, “well, what about _____#2?” Then you’re not agreeing. You’re altering the topic of conversation, which runs cover for the initial topic by muddying the waters.

                    NOW you’re backtracking. But your contribution to the conversation was diverting blame. Until we all started calling you out. Maybe you do agree with us. But that wasn’t what you were saying.

      • ByteJunk@lemmy.world
        6 months ago

        You make it sound like that’s something you’d expect would happen out of his own volition?