• Hubi@lemmy.world
      6 months ago

      They have zero chance with the current political system in the US and every vote for them is a vote strengthening Trump.

    • phoenixz@lemmy.ca
      6 months ago

      No, no, and F NO!

      You vote that and you can pretty much be sure that Trump wins.

      Yes, it sucks, but vote Biden, like him or not. You can’t risk trump getting into a position of power…

      and as I write this, why am I even trying? These university students are vapid and dumb enough to do this anyway, not vote or vote some alternative , thinking they are making the world better while they are actively destroying it. Sorry, but yes, people are unknowingly but willingly destroying their own and our futures.

        • mortemtyrannis@lemmy.ml
          6 months ago

          I can comprehend an accelerationist argument. I.e. they think trump will accelerate a socialist revolution in America by triggering an awakening of class consciousness when he invariably goes full fascist dictator.

          I don’t think it’s a very good argument for voting for trump.

      • Fidel_Cashflow@lemmy.ml
        6 months ago

        These university students are vapid and dumb enough to do this anyway, not vote or vote some alternative , thinking they are making the world better while they are actively destroying it.

        This mentality right here is exactly why you’re headed to a devastating runback of 2016. No seeing the other point of view or wondering why people would feel a certain way, just denigration and dismissal.

        You better get to knocking on doors, you only got 6 months to go!

        • phoenixz@lemmy.ca
          5 months ago

          I’m not wrong though.

          I’d would not vote Biden either but seriously, you know the alternative. It sucks that the US has gotten to the point where you always have to vote the least worse option, but it is what it is.

    • daltotron@lemmy.world
      6 months ago

      So, people just broadly don’t understand the concept of a protest vote, huh? If people don’t even understand that, then oy vey, we’re fuckin cooked lads I dunno what to tell yous, the democracy is already dead. Even beyond just first past the post voting, and all the shit that everyone knows is cooked but also knows will never get fixed. To the point that people can’t even like, understand strategic voting or the contexts in which it might happen. Just a flat incurious blanket creed screamed at opposition with no consideration for applications or the intricacies of how our democracies work.

      Like I dunno, we’re cooked. Even if biden stopped being a shitheel and funding israel, or full tilted in the other direction and at least tried to apply the brakes instead of going above and beyond to accelerate it, he has to realize that all faith in his institution would be like, totally shot, right? Like, that everyone would just expect him to restart it again immediately after the election, with four extra years of basically no accountability for israel to “mow the lawn”? Or I guess in this place, rip out the lawn and replace it with more parking or whatever. Like, the strategy here has to be one of appealing to a kind of core bloodthirsty liberal base that will support the genocide even across bipartisan lines, because that’s what his actions would say. But then, that doesn’t make any sense at all, because his admin keeps leaking shit about how he’s so broken up over the fact that this is happening and oh no bros he wishes he could do more and his little heart just can’t take it.

      I dunno. We’re so cooked from every angle. If Biden was going to stop, now would be the moment at which he would. It’s right before an election, there’s mass protests that are getting headlined. Maybe the pressure and violence of those protest might increase, but we’re just about getting to the point where the news cycle has probably chewed them up, and we’re also getting to the point, as far as I’ve seen, where gaza is so bombed out that images of it aren’t making it out as much as they used to, on top of the media already having worked it’s way through that. If Biden was gonna drop it, it’s around this point. If he still hasn’t and we’ve reached like actual election season, right, then there’s not really any amount of pressure that would’ve caused him to drop it, he would’ve clearly signaled by that point that israel killing people is more important to him than winning the presidency, or keeping trump from winning. If he was more interested in the latter then he probably would’ve already ceded the race to someone else more broadly appealing and primed to go for it that isn’t fucking 81 years old, to be honest.

      Cooked, our cockles are cooked. We’ve never not been cooked, we’ll never not be cooked.

      • Fidel_Cashflow@lemmy.ml
        6 months ago

        we’re giga cooked, tbqh. No country on the planet has ever been more cooked.

        No matter who wins, I would like to pre-emptively congratulate Ronald Reagan on his 12th straight term as president of this great nation.