Lmao look at this little worm try to make snide little unnoticeable edits after getting nailed harder than the twin towers instead of having a bit of steel in their spine and actually replying to people
Honestly, even trying to put myself in the mindset of a 100% “Slava Ukraini!” person, I don’t get the opposition to even HAVING peace talks. If Russia gives you shit terms at the talks you can just refuse them, it’s not like having talks means you have to capitulate totally, that’s called surrendering, not peace talks.
And it probably would have been way more advantageous for Ukraine to have these talks early when US support was more solid and it wasn’t totally clear who was gonna win yet.
And it probably would have been way more advantageous for Ukraine to have these talks early when US support was more solid and it wasn’t totally clear who was gonna win yet.
Ukraine only wanted eastern Ukraine for the ethnic cleansing, so nah. Russia gets to keep what they took. If Z wasn’t such a CIA asset maybe he would have negotiated to keep from throwing soldiers into the meat grinder. On the other hand, cocaine for dead soldiers is a pretty good deal.
Here’s an interview with Vijay Prashad, a Marxist scholar who understands the core of world geopolitics, dismantling the idea that Russia-Ukraine is an inter-imperialist conflict: https://youtu.be/pwuatE-3Q5c?t=27m43s
He is very historically literate, being someone who has studied history professionally and applies Leninism to understanding the underlying processes at work. Consider the possibility that you’re using terms you don’t understand. You won’t get very far in describing the world accurately if you don’t understand imperialism as Lenin described it in his time, let alone the “hyper-imperialist” system we have today with one supreme world hegemon, which is not Russia or China.
Those countries are defensive powers without imperialist ambitions, Prashad argues. America is the one that has hundreds of military bases across the globe and goes around provoking its designated enemies, such as installing a pro-NATO fascist government in Ukraine. Even if you don’t like what I’m saying, like it hurts your feelings or you just don’t care, I highly recommend watching the whole 40-ish minute talk Prashad gives in that video, it’s a fantastic summation of the world we live in. He also critiques the way a lot of Marxists are analyzing imperialism, so you can’t really say his take is dogmatic. Like don’t just fuck off back to your own instance without at least looking at the material we’re giving you, you might even learn something.
I think they saw your comment and started to panic, knowing that if they called us tankies they would look owned because of yor prescient prediction. But then clarity cut through their panic and they came up with the most clever, nay brilliant epithet anyone has ever conjured:
really a shining example of how reflexive anti-violence can be used to justify anything you want with sufficient framing and cut-off points for when you decide to start analyzing events
“well gee whiz, I have started paying attention to this issue from today onwards with an abject refusal to read even a paragraph of history and it looks like Group A has marched in to commit violence against Group B. this must be the exact same as when Group X marched in to commit violence against Group Y a few decades ago and the consensus was that Group X was bad, so therefore Group A is also bad!”
works with Russia invading Ukraine, and indeed Hamas doing October 7th. all you need is some bizarre overoveroversimplification that imperialism = violence in any capacity and you have yourself an extremely confused left-winger who starts supporting Nazi-infested NATO.
a country like Russia can be so committed to finding some kind of peace that they try and negotiate with the West for eight fucking years while the West is visibly piling troops and equipment into Ukraine and bombarding the Donbass with artillery, and yet when things finally snap, Russia is the most bloodthirsty warmongerer on the face of the planet and Putin is personally responsible for every single bad thing that happens for the decade afterwards, up to and including the results of every Western election, even ones in the past. meanwhile, the US invades Iraq on such flimsy pretenses that even the word “pretenses” is an absurd word to use and their global punishment is what exactly? oh, the endless streams of countries sanctioning the US and banning George Bush from entering their countries! oh, no worries though, you and the rest of the liberals opposed it. a decade or two after it happened instead of at the time, of course, but you got there in the end. oh, we’re all so enlightened and anti-violence and anti-invasions now. here’s a gold star, you fucking weasel.
there’s only one cure for this and it’s to read a book. luckily, Lenin’s Imperialism is right there.
I want the war to end with Russia fucking off out of Ukraine
Edit: I didn’t realize this was imperialismbear.net. My bad.
New site tagline
Edit: I didn’t realize I’d receive pushback on ideas I can’t defend. Better find a way to be condescending to save face during my cowardly exit.
Hitting us with this epic own instead of actually engaging us in good faith. It’s standard
behavior at this point.
Probably shoulda stuck to Minsk II then.
Ah yes, being anti-imperialism is when you blindly support the US’ imposed hegemony
It’s okay when my side does it!
A perfect encapsulation of the average American lib.
Libs are well known for thinking countries shouldn’t be invaded by other countries
Look at all these swings and misses lol
“A liberal is someone who opposes every war except the current war and supports all civil rights movements except the one that’s going on right now.”
Are they? Must be why a liberal admin has been killing peace talks for months. Must also be why they were baying for Iraq War 2. And are codifying anti zionism as anti semitism while Israel kills every Palestinian that twitches.
Donbass has been getting shelled by Ukraine for years, civilians were getting killed by shellings from Ukraine well before Russia invaded
People here support the hegemony losing.
Countries shouldn’t bomb what is ostensibly their own civilian population either.
So that makes Russia bombing the same civilians okay
Putin has killed less civilians than
and thus is the lesser evil so he gets my 
Same with Hamas, they kill less children than
so I’m with them
The only one that is saying this is you
Is that why Obama sent my friends to invade Syria?
Libs thought Afghanistan and Iraq should be invaded until they turned out to be disasters. Then they were always against it.
While technically not an invasion I guess, libs also cheered for the bombing of Libya and killing of Gaddafi because
wow, Arab Spring!
That must be why they’ve been supporting every single US invasion.
Lmao look at this little worm try to make snide little unnoticeable edits after getting nailed harder than the twin towers instead of having a bit of steel in their spine and actually replying to people
Picture perfect exhibition of the
This starts with peace talks.
Honestly, even trying to put myself in the mindset of a 100% “Slava Ukraini!” person, I don’t get the opposition to even HAVING peace talks. If Russia gives you shit terms at the talks you can just refuse them, it’s not like having talks means you have to capitulate totally, that’s called surrendering, not peace talks.
And it probably would have been way more advantageous for Ukraine to have these talks early when US support was more solid and it wasn’t totally clear who was gonna win yet.
Fascism is the death drive.
Imagine getting cucked by Boris Johnson of all people
Kinda embarrassingly sad, to be honest.
I like your username.
I pee a lot. Annoys my girlfriend.
Then you want peace talks
I want a pony
Either you want peace talks or you’re a meat grinder enthusiast
how did you feel about the 2014 coup orchestrated by the USA, was that cool and good
Ukraine only wanted eastern Ukraine for the ethnic cleansing, so nah. Russia gets to keep what they took. If Z wasn’t such a CIA asset maybe he would have negotiated to keep from throwing soldiers into the meat grinder. On the other hand, cocaine for dead soldiers is a pretty good deal.
Can you recommend anything to read about this cocaine stuff, out of curiosity?
woow good one
And I want your nazi ass to fuck off back to lemmy but unlike you I understand that isn’t realistic
Passing this on to VZ (that’s what us close with Zelensky call him)
Slava my dick and my balls
Here’s an interview with Vijay Prashad, a Marxist scholar who understands the core of world geopolitics, dismantling the idea that Russia-Ukraine is an inter-imperialist conflict: https://youtu.be/pwuatE-3Q5c?t=27m43s
He is very historically literate, being someone who has studied history professionally and applies Leninism to understanding the underlying processes at work. Consider the possibility that you’re using terms you don’t understand. You won’t get very far in describing the world accurately if you don’t understand imperialism as Lenin described it in his time, let alone the “hyper-imperialist” system we have today with one supreme world hegemon, which is not Russia or China.
Those countries are defensive powers without imperialist ambitions, Prashad argues. America is the one that has hundreds of military bases across the globe and goes around provoking its designated enemies, such as installing a pro-NATO fascist government in Ukraine. Even if you don’t like what I’m saying, like it hurts your feelings or you just don’t care, I highly recommend watching the whole 40-ish minute talk Prashad gives in that video, it’s a fantastic summation of the world we live in. He also critiques the way a lot of Marxists are analyzing imperialism, so you can’t really say his take is dogmatic. Like don’t just fuck off back to your own instance without at least looking at the material we’re giving you, you might even learn something.
This is the tankie wing of the site, you may like PPB (pretty politically better) more.
It stands for Puild Pack Better after Biden’s economic plan.
psh, still a bunch of tankies. it should stand for Putin’s Paid Bots
I think they saw your comment and started to panic, knowing that if they called us tankies they would look owned because of yor prescient prediction. But then clarity cut through their panic and they came up with the most clever, nay brilliant epithet anyone has ever conjured:
And it is we who have been owned

They walk away now, knowing we have been put in our place, smiling to themselves and thinking only “swish!”
BRB gotta go abandon communism…
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and you’re willing to watch thousands more ukrainians die to make sure it happens!
Read this book you dipshit
The people of Donbass and Crimea send their regards, they’ll never again suffer Banderite barrages and death squads, EVER
Stay mad nazi lover :)
What is your plan to achieve that?
I agree!!! Slava kraine 🇺🇦
Slava cocaini!!!
slava rigatoni!
because you said this i now want the full and total annexation of Ukraine, its existence is a mistake
Why don’t you sign up for the Bazinga Brigade and fight for Zelensky in Ukraine?
really a shining example of how reflexive anti-violence can be used to justify anything you want with sufficient framing and cut-off points for when you decide to start analyzing events
“well gee whiz, I have started paying attention to this issue from today onwards with an abject refusal to read even a paragraph of history and it looks like Group A has marched in to commit violence against Group B. this must be the exact same as when Group X marched in to commit violence against Group Y a few decades ago and the consensus was that Group X was bad, so therefore Group A is also bad!”
works with Russia invading Ukraine, and indeed Hamas doing October 7th. all you need is some bizarre overoveroversimplification that imperialism = violence in any capacity and you have yourself an extremely confused left-winger who starts supporting Nazi-infested NATO.
a country like Russia can be so committed to finding some kind of peace that they try and negotiate with the West for eight fucking years while the West is visibly piling troops and equipment into Ukraine and bombarding the Donbass with artillery, and yet when things finally snap, Russia is the most bloodthirsty warmongerer on the face of the planet and Putin is personally responsible for every single bad thing that happens for the decade afterwards, up to and including the results of every Western election, even ones in the past. meanwhile, the US invades Iraq on such flimsy pretenses that even the word “pretenses” is an absurd word to use and their global punishment is what exactly? oh, the endless streams of countries sanctioning the US and banning George Bush from entering their countries! oh, no worries though, you and the rest of the liberals opposed it. a decade or two after it happened instead of at the time, of course, but you got there in the end. oh, we’re all so enlightened and anti-violence and anti-invasions now. here’s a gold star, you fucking weasel.
there’s only one cure for this and it’s to read a book. luckily, Lenin’s Imperialism is right there.
deleted by creator