My routine is like clockwork and one of my favorite times of the day…
Oh, a morning routine! It’s my favorite part of the day and something I’m oddly passionate about!
Most importantly, I make sure to go to bed at a reasonable time the night before, and i leave my curtains open to let the sunlight wake me up naturally. Just in case I’m extra sleepy, I set a vibration alarm on my phone and place it under my pillow for backup
After I wake up, I:
Head to the restroom
Sluggishly make my bed
Go downstairs, drink a glass of water to hydrate, and then brew some coffee
feed the cats
Then I drink coffee and watch TV for a bit while I wake up and wait for the caffiene to kick in
Shower, brush teeth, apply deoderant, style hair, shave stubble, apply cologne
I have really shit mental health, so I have to take extra care of myself and be very intentional about my actions. My morning routine is a sacred part of the day and helps me enjoy being alive :)
Shower has to be the #1 spot.
If I don’t shower first I will feel like shit and wont do anything productive whatsoever.
No amount of caffeine can equal the power of a hot shower.
I used to be the same :) But a while back, I was hospitalized for severe depression. I learned in IOP that doing something you love to warm up for the day - instead of immediately pursuing productivity - improves happiness and helps me look forward to the day instead of dreading it and making it hard to get out of bed in the morning.
I like this notion. Now how do I stop doing the “something I enjoy” and start doing “something productive”, after I’ve already started becoming hyperfixated?
For me, the coffee helps lol
Fantastic… I need a routine too otherwise I forget stuff… But it seems like your step 1. coincides with mine
I do as well. It’s a lot of work, but at this point, it comes naturally.
If you’re looking to bolster any routine: my unsolicited advice is to add stuff to your routine slowly over time. One thing at a time. If you jump into a whole new routine, you’ll burn out and abandon it. It definitely takes some building and patience.
I’m terrible in the morning, my brain really doesn’t start working until around 10 am and after coffee… So the day before I strategically place things that I don’t want to forget, in places where I won’t miss them… Of course the things related to regular routine have to be kept in the same place at all times
Cat tax. Got pics?
I wish I was back asleep.
- Wake up
- Fall out of bed
- Drag a comb across my head
- Find my way downstairs
- Drink a cup
- Look up and notice I am late
- Find my coat
- Grab my hat
- Make the bus in seconds flat
After did you have a smoke then somebody spoke as you went into a dream?
- I read the news today. Oh boy…
I curse Death that she didn’t take me in my sleep.
- Tumble out of bed
- Stumble to the kitchen
- Pour myself a cup of ambition
- Yawn and stretch and try to come alive
Do you by any chance happen to work between the hours of 9:00 and 5:00?
What a way to make a living…
Wake up, reach for my phone “just to wake my eyes up,” proceed to waste time and as a result rush through the rest of whatever else I have to do in the morning.
That’s exactly me.
- Wake up
- Grab a brush and put a little makeup
- Hide the scars to fade away the shakeup
- Check phone
- Watch porn
- Get out of bed.
- Turn on TV
- Pet dog
- Eat weed edible
- Make and eat bowl of cereal.
- Roughly style Mohawk
- Get dressed, put on hand moisturizer then latex gloves then leather gloves
- Do concrete work in yard(move dirt/set forms/mix+pour/repeat)
- Get too hot
- Walk my dog to the river by my house
- Swim against current until exausted
- Shower.
- Redo mohawk with hairgel
Then I start my day. That’s been my routine for a bit over 2 months now? Can’t complain
Keeps the self righteous suicide away
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1, 4, 7, 6, potty, 17, 8 work, 9. Wish i could do 15 and 16. Wish i knew more about 13.
I’m surprised at how many people don’t take a piss first thing in the morning.
Well, I personally prefer getting out of bed before that, but you do you I guess.
I pee. Then I get out of bed. Start coffee. Take a shower. Get out of wet pyjamas and put on dry clothes for work. I didn’t think it needed to be said.
Do you cover “the spot”?
Love how this thread is mostly actually reasonable morning routines :)
Yeah, the Mohawk guy is fucking amazing tho 😂😂😂
I go grab some very cold water
Hah, it’s the opposite for me - I grab some very warm water.
Don’t worry, we respect all water drinkers
Water sippas
Cold water first thing in the morning makes my diaphragm cramp up and knock the wind out of me like I just got kicked in the stomach. If I’m standing up when it happens I crumple to the floor in the fetal position. Tepid water for the win.
Wake up Shit Check the stonk markets Get out of bed
But a serious answer, I wake up Use restroom while scrolling lemmy and checking news Brush teeth Drink tall glass of water Drink small glass of orange juice (~50-100ml) Make and eat breakfast (bagel/toast and cheese/ eggs) while reading on phone Drink coffee (prepped the night before to brew automatically when I wake up) Get dressed and pack backpack Bike to work
Scrolling lemmy is definitely part of my step 1 too, while seated on my throne
- Go to the toilet
- Shower
- Get dressed
- Take the dog out
- Feed the pup
- Make an espresso
- Sit in my chair, drink my espresso, and play the NYT games
It’s bad, but it’s a ritual I love: wake up, put on my bathrobe, shuffle over to my espresso machine, make myself a nice espresso or cappuccino, light up a smoke and cuddle with my cat a for a bit. Then when my brain wakes up as well, have a shower while my cat is screaming at me, horrified that I’m willing standing in water.
Go to the bathroom and hudge a big 'ol grumpy
Pray for one more second of ecstatic comfort and numbness to the world. Contemplate why the world is the way it is. It’s not right.