It tells me I have to register to view posts! It has blocked all my VPS IPs. From random places:

  • Turkey
  • India
  • Germany
  • That Asian country that is very ‘western’, I have forgotten its name

So what’s the reason? Is this because of scraping? Seems random. If the IP is from India, we could say, well, they don’t want scammers. Turkey, not sure. But Germany?

I know datacenters have an IP range, and they could ban all IPs from all datacenters. But why?

And the issue is, when you register, and post, you suddenly find yourself shadow-banned! I did not even made a bad post or anything.

Where do I get a quality IP that Reddit has not blocked?

    5 months ago

    I know datacenters have an IP range, and they could ban all IPs from all datacenters. But why?

    Because it’s 99% abusive traffic.

    • It’s far more likely that it’s because VPNs make it much harder for Reddit to track you, and sell the data.

      As proof, I offer: this behavior is the same for other companies who monotonize visitors, such as Instagram. 99% of the rest of the web does not block VPN traffic. Not Amazon. Not Bing. Not Lemmy; not Mastodon. Google has started to require CAPTCHA in an attempt to annoy people out of using VPNs, but they let you in eventually.

      It’s purely profit-driven; it has nothing to do with abusive traffic.

        5 months ago

        As someone with experience hosting high traffic sites, it’s probably both. Roughly 40% of the traffic I see to is bots.

        They’re also trying to block any people scraping for AI. There’s going to be numerous reasons behind this.

        I know Disney+ also blocks hosting provider space. I’ve had users complain since our office / VPN are routed through our DC.

        • There’s going to be numerous reasons behind this.

          Sure, conceded.

          Do you require email-based registration? I know it’s easy to bypass, but you may as well block registrations from domains being used as throw-away email hosts as block VPNs; VPNs are more popular, and gaining in popularity, and are healthy for users in the fight against tracking.

    5 months ago

    Reddit wants data, as personal and uniquely identifiable as possible, as collecting and selling that data is a core component of their business. To a significantly lesser degree they also want to minimize spam. VPNs reduce the amount of uniquely identifiable data they can collect (really just an IP address they/their customers can use to match your Reddit data to data from other sources. VPNs also reduce the efficacy of using IP blocks to stop spammers, but I really don’t think Reddit cares too strongly here unless the spam interrupts normal usage, as spam that looks human-like can be sold as user data.

    • FalafelBenSamusa@lemmy.worldOP
      5 months ago

      They don’t need to block IPs to stop spammers. Many people don’t know this, and in fact, I did not know this until I got all my users banned and I had to make a new user: Early posts of all users are hidden. Like ALL users. Unless you post with a high-quality IP, not necessarily residential, just a high-quality IP.

      I have taken to buying, yes, buying users. I did that 2 times, don’t do it anymore because Reddit’s not worth 8 bucks.

      These users usually have one post that’s gotten a lot of updoots. Man, Reddit chuds are so predictable with their updooting, people make money from it!

      They are also older, like 2 months. I needed to post on r/forhire, so I bought those users.

      I think if someone needs to scrape, spam etc, he could just buy a user. They go as cheap as $3 afaik.

    5 months ago

    I know datacenters have an IP range, and they could ban all IPs from all datacenters. But why?

    Actually, that sort of makes sense. Reddit may have locked down content behind a paywall for profit. Whitelisting only data centers that pay would be “protecting” that.

    They want unique identifiable traffic to maximize valuable data to sell. Everything you don’t want.

    • FalafelBenSamusa@lemmy.worldOP
      5 months ago

      I think you meant blacklisting, but yeah. This is the scummy thing 4chan does. I remember ages ago, people told moot to block datacenter IPs. This was at the height of ‘Surgeon Spamming’. I am not going to tell you what Surgeon Spamming is, just know that, I downloaded one of those files. And I deleted it. It’s not ‘illegal’ here, selling ‘all’ kinds of it is illegal but owning ‘all’ kinds of it is not an issue. But some of ‘it’ is just inhumane. It caused me mental scarring. Fuck moot for making this website. Anyways, moot did not block datacenter IPs, and instead added reCaptcha. About 4-5 years later, he himself blocked all datacenter IPs on top of captcha. I cannot post on 4chan without shelling 20 bucks, and it’s not a privilege that deserves more than a peanut butter sandwch covered in cum. These two websites block datacenter IPs for nothing but profit-seeking. Honestly, don’t google Surgeon Spam in archives. Some of those links, believe it or not, works.

    5 months ago

    I’m using an Italian server with no issue, but at one point it stopped letting me log in with my username & password until I made a fresh account by signing in with a service. I should see if my old username and password are working again, but if I lose it I don’t really care. Reddit karma is kind of pointless.