Pro-lifers hate women and want to control their bodies. Pro-choicers hate babies and care about their own convenience more than the lives of children.

Or, alternatively, pro-lifers honestly, truly believe that fetuses are children, in which case it is obviously the proper choice to restrict abortion. Pro-choicers honestly, truly believe that personhood does not begin at conception, in which case there’s little room for abortion to be ethically wrong.

Until both sides start addressing each other’s actual arguments, this subject is not going to cool off. You won’t convince a pro-lifer who sees fetuses as children by wrongly claiming they want to control women. You won’t convince a pro-choicer who sees personhood as developing later by insisting that they are a godless baby-killer.

    1 year ago

    Don’t both sides this, this isn’t a both sides situation. I’m sure that there are some pro-choice people who do genuinely believe that life begins at conception and a foetus is equal to a living child but a) They are just categorically scientifically wrong, so it doesn’t matter what they think, and b) they are not the ones who are leading the charge for changing the laws, the ones in power who are pushing the narrative are doing it to distract their voting base from actual problems.

    Besides if they genuinely cared for the babies then there are many many other things they could get animated about that would actually make a positive impact on the lives of children, like more affordable/free healthcare, more paid maternity and paternity leave, and better social programmes to help struggling parents etc. They’re just mad about it because it’s the issue of the year that right-wing media told them to be mad about – they haven’t actually thought about it much beyond that.

    And even if they weren’t wrong about the science (which to be clear they definitely are) it doesn’t matter, because banning things like abortions doesn’t stop people wanting them and getting them — it just makes people do them in unsafe ways (ways that are much more likely to cause the death of the prospective mothers). If the religious right actually wanted to reduce the number of abortions then they should be pushing for thing like; better sex education, easier access to affordable/free contraception, the removal of “abstinence only” teaching practices — things which have been conclusively proven to reduce abortion rates!