It’s one thing to have differing views, but I’ve seen enough attempted reddit migrations to be relieved that the popular communities in the fediverse so far haven’t been about crazy racist stuff or other extreme right bullshit.

I am also glad that I’m getting away from reddit’s general political shitposting, which was more left leaning. You couldn’t have any proper discourse on there, and even I with my generally more left leaning views recognized that.

    1 year ago

    want a place free of authoritarian policies that don’t limit actual human discourse.

    You’ve already been given a suggestion for just that kind of instance. If you want to see that kind of content, there’s a spot for that.

    Or are you just upset that there are places who don’t welcome those kinds of dumbfuck takes? Is it that you want to see the content for yourself, or that you want to make the content and force everyone to see it?

    Either way, this instance isn’t the place for you. Exploding heads is. Go there, be happy.

      1 year ago

      The issue I have with this overzealousness to censor is that the people who are most eager to censor others, are often the most bigoted, hateful, and misinformed. The suggestion of going to exploding-heads is just dishonest. They are undeniably right-wing. What I wish for is an open platform where left and right can speak freely to each other in polite discourse, not simply just be exposed to whatever dogshit takes some far right people post. going to exploding-heads would then limit my ability to see other positions.

      Are you suggesting that I should have an account on each fediverse instance, just to get all of the content? If so, then what the actual fuck is the point of federation in the first place?

        1 year ago

        What I wish for is an open platform where left and right can speak freely to each other in polite discourse

        Oh, I see. You’re delusional. You honestly think I should be having “polite discourse” with people who either want me dead, or are ok with voting for people who want me dead.

        Because, see, what’s left? What makes a Republican want to claim to be a Republican other than the culture war bullshit? What do they stand for? They haven’t stood for “fiscal responsibility” or “small government” since W was in office. The straight-up write things like “We stand against teaching critical thinking in schools” (see: Texas GOP party platform) into their guiding documents. And you think they’re going to have a civil conversation? You think I owe them a civil conversation?

        Every server we allow those people on freely will become exploding heads or 4 chan. Go look at r/politicalcompassmemes if you need an example. I don’t know how many times we have to watch it happen before you get the picture, or maybe this is your first ever internet community experience. But you’re wrong. Their bad-faith rhetoric, carefully-stated death threats, and direct personal attacks will drive everyone who isn’t one of them away, leaving only Nazis. If the admins call them out and ban them for that stuff, they’ll end up banning all of them and we’ll be having this same conversation. If the admins allow their speech, but don’t allow us to say “Fuck off, weeb, nobody likes you” without censure, then guess who gets to control the “discourse”? And if the admins don’t ban anyone for it, we’ll become Voat. Since only the slimiest members of humanity can tolerate that vibe for long, guess who ends up owning the server by default?

        You wanna see that shit, you enjoy being called slurs and told to go kys, you are free to seek out the communities who will do that for you. But fuck all the way off with telling me I must put up with it, too.

        Oh, I can block them? No I fucking can’t. I blocked you days ago, and your shit still shows up in my notifications. So, again, fuck off. If I have to listen to whatever dumb shit spills out of your brain, against my will, then you get to listen to my toxicity.

        Are you suggesting that I should have an account on each fediverse instance, just to get all of the content? If so, then what the actual fuck is the point of federation in the first place?

        …you… honestly thought… the fediverse… was supposed to be a centralized content aggregator…?

        What… uh, so, what… what do you think the fediverse is?

          1 year ago

          You think I owe them a civil conversation?

          I don’t think you owe anyone anything. I think that you’re in the wrong, and are an authoritarian tyrant and bigot yourself, if you try to shut down a conversation between two consenting people who are completely unrelated to you and aren’t addressing you. If you don’t wish to speak to someone, that’s on you, feel free to ignore them or block them. But it says a lot about you if the second you run into a disagreement, or if you think someone’s doing something wrong, instead of helping correct their behavior or ideas, you instead shut down the conversation and let them keep doing what they’re doing. Do you have no feeling of obligation to help improve society? if not, I’d say that puts you as worse than them. While they may be misinformed or perhaps hateful due to their ignorance, you are openly admitting that you don’t wish to improve society. I’d much prefer a misinformed and ignorant group who want to do the right thing, than someone who neglects the possibility of improving society.

          Every server we allow those people on freely will become exploding heads or 4 chan.

          I thought “reality has a liberal bias” and all that? Surely, if we allow people to discuss, to debate, to converse with each other, and to let everyone speak rather than a few, we should arrive at what is true, yeah? if you’re saying people will become conservative after fair uncensored debate and discussion, then surely they are right? No one is asking for 4chan. there’s a difference between fair, uncensored, civil polite discussion, and shitflinging slurs around. exploding-heads themselves have a ban on slurs.

          Go look at r/politicalcompassmemes if you need an example.

          One of the best subreddits for actual discussion between people of differing ideas? I’d prefer if more places where like that, personally. What issue do you have with them? They’re a meme sub but the civility there is awe inspiring.

          Their bad-faith rhetoric, carefully-stated death threats, and direct personal attacks will drive everyone who isn’t one of them away, leaving only Nazis.

          I can’t say that’s ever been my experience in right wing spaces. I’ve only ever had that experience in progressive spaces. Perhaps what you’re experiencing isn’t a problem with right wing people, but rather the hostility and polarization between two groups that are constantly at each other’s throats because they refuse to hear each other out?

          If the admins allow their speech, but don’t allow us to say “Fuck off, weeb, nobody likes you” without censure, then guess who gets to control the “discourse”?

          Why do you feel that their insults shouldn’t be allowed, but yours should? Isn’t that unfair? Either we prevent all insults and have civil discussion (my preference), or we allow all insults from both sides. Surely that’s fair?

          You wanna see that shit, you enjoy being called slurs and told to go kys, you are free to seek out the communities who will do that for you. But fuck all the way off with telling me I must put up with it, too.

          The opposite is actually happening here. You are trying to push your content preferences onto everyone else. All I’m saying is: let the users decide. If you wanna block them, go ahead. Craft your own echochamber. But why should you being offended at civil discussion mean that no one else can discuss things?

          Oh, I can block them? No I fucking can’t. I blocked you days ago, and your shit still shows up in my notifications.

          Fair enough. This seems to be a bug then. I agree that should be fixed. blocking should prevent you from seeing the blocked content.

          …you… honestly thought… the fediverse… was supposed to be a centralized content aggregator…?

          My understanding was that I’d sign up on a single site, and then have access to content from across the federated sites. Not: have to sign up an account on each individual site, and only see that one site’s content. Isn’t that latter way just a centralized platform? where is the “federated” part then?

          What… uh, so, what… what do you think the fediverse is?

          Sign up on one site -> see content from all the sites. is this not the point of the fediverse? are you really saying the fediverse is: sign up on one site -> see only that site’s content? because that just sounds like a regular centralized platform to me.

          1 year ago

          Oh, I see. You’re delusional. You honestly think I should be having “polite discourse” with people who either want me dead, or are ok with voting for people who want me dead.

          have you… talked with them? I try to speak with everyone and pretty much none of them actually want me dead. If you want to talk about voting criminals into power, look at the democrat party, who legit rigged the 2020 election to vote a known pedophile rapist and warmonger into power. a guy who literally pushed racist and homophobic policy. a guy who literally is fighting to repeal racial equality. a guy who literally openly said he’d deny me healthcare. should we then shut down conversation with every democrat voter? why are you so eager to shut down conversation? do you not realize that creates echochambers, which increases the extremism and polarization?

          Because, see, what’s left? What makes a Republican want to claim to be a Republican other than the culture war bullshit?

          If you actually spoke to them and tried to understand where they’re coming from, maybe you’d learn that :) instead you choose to shut down conversation, ban them, censor them, any chance you get. So of course you don’t understand why they hold the views and say the things they do! you never listened to what they had to say!

          Regardless of how offended you might feel or say you are, the reality is that there are actually decent points to be made by people in both major political parties; as well as the varying 3rd parties. Personally, I found my own view on things that matches neither cleanly, so where’s that put me? should I just be on the side of censoring both democrats and republicans? or are you suggesting that anyone that holds any view other than your specific view should be censored and banned? is anything other than openly accepting and celebrating human sacrifice something that should be silenced, censored, and banned? serious question. is going against that “being hateful and intolerant”? where is your line? how about pedophilia? are people against pedophilia just “hateful bigots who are intolerant and mean for no real reason”? where is your line?

          The reality is that there’s a lot of, and growing, opposition to progressive ideology because it is causing harm to real people. Surely, if something is causing harm, we should try to stop that harm? IMO the proper thing to do is to try and base our views on science (not feelings), and to try and heal and help as many people as possible reach their potential, while also avoiding societal setups that would inevitably lead to problems. Is this an unreasonable stance?

          They haven’t stood for “fiscal responsibility” or “small government” since W was in office.

          I think you’ll find if you talk to a lot of registered republicans that they do actually hold those views, but that many of the establishment career politicians hold different views than the people voting for them. Ironically, people who are against sending obscene amount of money to ukraine are now called “bigots”. so if they push for small gov and fiscal responsibility, they’re a bigot. but if they don’t, they’re a hypocrite? aren’t you being unfair?

      1 year ago

      Do you prefer having a centralized authority dictating your exposure to content? What prevents you from personally blocking instances you disagree with and allowing others to make their own choices? Is it possible that the idea of critical thinking is discomforting and it’s more convenient to be shielded from diverging opinions, rather than exercising personal discernment?

          1 year ago

          Who defines what counts as “bigotry”? I think the guys over at beehaw are extremely bigoted. does that mean that we should prevent everyone from speaking with them simply because I think they’re bigots?

          1 year ago

          The problem here is what gets defined as bigotry and who gets to define it? I was called a nazi for expressing the same opinion I’m expressing here. Do you think that might be a bit much? How long until the bubble of acceptable thoughts and opinions shrinks so much YOU get defined as a nazi?

            1 year ago

            Your argument is known as the “slippery slope fallacy”, @Kantiberl.

            Edit: I’m guessing it’s a bug, but I can’t get this comment to reply to the right person.

        1 year ago

        Do you prefer having a centralized authority dictating your exposure to content?

        Like, you mean, a website? That’s what you mean by “centralized authority”, right? A website? With its Terms and Conditions, following the applicable copyright and IP laws, following the relevant laws of the jurisdiction it operates in? Yeah, I’m fine with that.

        If you’re not, go to Exploding Heads. They welcome you. They want you.

        We don’t.

          1 year ago

          I don’t want exploding-heads. I would have blocked the instance myself if it hadn’t been blocked already. My issue is I don’t like having content blocked FOR me because I’m a functioning adult that can make my own decisions about what I see and think. You should be careful with how quick you are to cede control of what you’re allowed to see to others. Might make you pretty susceptible to hate and give you a false sense of reality.

            1 year ago

            My issue is I don’t like having content blocked FOR me

            Oh, I see. You want 4chan.

            Well, good news! 4chan exists! Go there.

                1 year ago

                When did I say that? I’m very toxic towards people who are cool with the view that I should be either “sentenced to death” or “hunted with dogs”.

                Oh, you’re not cool with it, you just want to force me to listen to it anyway. That’s so different.

                Go back to 4 chan, otaku.

                  1 year ago

                  I’m not an unreasonable person. I just wanna chat, share my thoughts, share what I’m into, without being censored to hell because some perpetually offended people took offense at regular everyday human things, or noticing things going on in society and thinking about what might cause such.

                  I don’t want to send people death threats, I don’t care to say the slurs everyone knows are slurs (but fuck you if you’re gonna declare regular speech to be a slur, or medical terms to be a slur).

                  I just wanna be able to talk to people online? why is that so hard for people to accept? Why should I be literally banned from civilization simply for acknowledging the medical science on my own diagnosed medical condition; merely because some perpetually offended morons were offended by science?

                  Why should I be silenced, simply for wanting to discuss things without blindly believing idiots with money?

                  Are those exploding-heads guys dicks? sure, probably most of them are. are they correct about what they’re saying? I don’t know, I’d like to talk to them and hear where they’re coming from, and tell them about my own thoughts. why do you feel the need to get in the way of that discussion when you aren’t even a part of it? if you don’t wanna chat with those guys, why is it so hard for you to just use the block button? why must you prevent everyone from speaking with them?

                  I genuinely do not understand that viewpoint, and no one who is on the side of “censor everyone” seems to want to explain it. They’d rather just block/censor/ban you and shut down the conversation entirely. why? are you afraid you might be in the wrong?

                1 year ago

                That’s not the same and you know it.

                Oh, is 4chan too much freedom for you? What happened to your whole “no rules, just right” attitude?

                It’s sounding more and more like you don’t give a single fuck about seeing this kind of content; you want to force us to see this content. All the places you could go to get it, and you’re still arguing that we should have to see it too or we’re not free.

                You’re right. We’re not free. We’re sad, pathetic, chained little sheep beholden to a “central authority” that doesn’t allow hate speech. Run while you can! Flee, quickly! Or you, too, might get consumed by the woke mind virus and start thinking that maybe the Jews are ok people!

        1 year ago

        Fuck off to your sad shithole, nobody has any obligation to be nice to Nazis. To the contrary, every decent person should feel obligated to strongly tell them to fuck off. You don’t have a space here, we don’t want you here, you are not welcome.

        1 year ago

        The community itself is kindly asking you to fuck off with its comments and downvotes, no central authority needed

          1 year ago

          This is the approach I support. don’t like certain content? block, downvote, move on. don’t demand that everyone else be prevented from seeing it.