TLDR: Agencies cant just effectively pass laws anymore, they can be challenged.

  • @infinitevalence
    104 days ago

    I hope you didn’t enjoy drinking clean water from municipal sources, or breathing clean air.

  • Alice
    -54 days ago

    Hi Mr Kaboom,

    You want me to tell you the ONE thing I hate about conservatives ? It’s not gunna be a snarky answer it’s a legitimate problem they have

      • Alice
        -33 days ago

        It’s the republican infighting. Like what Matt Gaetz did to the former speaker and then Margie trying to do the same shit? I can’t stand that nonsense. Like wtf is their problem? They need to grow up and WORK TOGETHER.

        What do you think?

        • That’s because they’re more interested in staying in the news cycle than actually doing their jobs.

          If you want “good” representatives that at least do the job they’re hired to do, PLEASE pay closer attention to the people you’re voting for in your district/state. That goes for everyone regardless of political affiliation.

  • Amoxtli
    -14 days ago

    This was clearly unconstitutional for agencies to make up laws. Hopefully, Congress will get more involved in domestic policy instead of escapades around the world.

    • NeuromancerM
      -23 days ago

      I don’t mind see leeway in their job but they were given way to much leeway.