I’ve noticed that in my playgroup when someone is falling behind in Commander they usually get much, much less heat, to the point that they’re able to ramp their mana and then just win out of nowhere after everyone has depleted their resources etc., so I was wondering if one could actually fake it and if you do do you have any tips for it?

  • Basilisk@mtgzone.com
    4 months ago

    I think generally it’s hard to “fake” being behind because your board state is your board state. Unless you have something giving all your stuff flash or something, in most cases it doesn’t really matter if you have an Ulamog in hand and castable if on board you only have a vanilla 2/2 and the green player has an army of 12/12 tramplers. If you have lands in hand, for instance, you’re generally better off playing them than holding back to hope that “oh, I’m so mana screwed” gets you further later.

    On the other hand, there’s also playing smart. If you know there’s a boardwipe coming you probably want to hold on to your creatures. I try not to play turn 1 sol ring, even if I draw it, because that makes all eyes turn to you and any big thing that you might drop as a result of that will be coming out when everyone else is most likely to have some kind of removal, and often when there’s nothing better to spend mana on. If a player is sitting on two untapped blue mana what are the odds that he’s sitting on a counterspell? Can you bait out the counterspell with a threat now so you’re able to do what you really want later? Or hold off casting in the hopes that it gets dropped elsewhere?

    • TheMagicer@mtgzone.comOP
      4 months ago

      Yes, I meant what you wrote in your second paragraph! Holding back something to not pull ahead too far and get all eyes on you. The T1 Sol Ring is a great example because one of us seems to be drawing it early so much more often than the others that we do often keep removals ready for whatever is coming out lol