It’s because we’re loud, incredibly active, argumentative, and most importantly we are generally speaking unified. Yes there are differences, but compare the pushback when a hexbear posts something pro-china vs when someone else posts something anti-china. We’ll get maybe 2-3 responses, all of which will immediately get dogpiled anyway. They’ll get 10 of us. We also all upvote the takes we all agree on, so much so that it looks like vote manipulation. No other group on the fediverse has that type of unity, even if they broadly agree with each other.
Also the giant emojis probably don’t help lol.
Democratic centralism is when I upvote every Hexbear post no matter how much I think the post is cringe.
to all our brave posters
Just before federation, when people were claiming that hexbears were a bunch of unrestrained feral super-posters and that we were going to change the fediverse, I thought that a lot of it was just people hyping themselves up. Only now do I realize that we are in fact the strongest posters on the fediverse because of our solidarity with each other.
on this day we are all feral
Truly we must strive to be the posters the liberals think we are
TL;DR first because I got rant-y
Hexbear and Lemmygrad formed to be leftist first and individual interests second. So your take is spot-on. I also think that they get mad that Hexbear doesn’t have the option to downvote. So they don’t get the satisfaction of the power trip and makes them even more pissed off. lol
The funny thing about people thinking we are assholes is that between here,, and I have found this instance to be the most chill. I find myself more concerned about getting attacked on for even trying to say something that is not in-line with the western media narrative. I am a bit worried about getting jumped on for misunderstanding or having a bad take on lemmygrad. However I have begun to be better at thinking about how I say/ask things when replying to posts. Which I think is overall a good thing and have better accepted that even if I may disagree with folks, that it is better to learn more about those things over all.
For all the shit that I am learning and seeing that gets said about here and lemmygrad. Those folks on and the other instances are just beyond quick to just outright refuse to take a moment to consider that they are not questioning shit at all. Just super binary “good or evil.” Even if they agree that their “side” has historically both lied and done super fucked up shit. It is still unwavering “still much better than insert whatever shit they think anti-capitalism has done to so many people.” They completely misunderstand that us “tankies” are just dumb motherfuckers brainwashed into thinking that AES nations never did anything wrong. It also doesn’t help that even “progressive” liberals are so firmly conserned about being super slightly left of dead centre. To go around talking shit about how the hammer and sickle should be treated the same as the Nazi swastika. Still believing that the US is the reason we won the war. Nor do they realize how the Cold War was completely kicked off by the western allies renegging on promises made to the USSR for helping recoup. That the massive build-up of nukes was due to our own war hawks lying about the supposed rapid build-up of anything from the Soviets. Cuba and USSR are always the “war mongers” for putting nukes on Cuba, but the US’s shit in Europe/Turkiey.
Great post
The giant emotes (which generates a lot of animosity when combined with the dubiously low PPB-trigger-threshold of some of our posters when on other instances) are solvable issue. If the devs were so inclined, they could just run imagemagick over them automatically to make downsized copies.
I’m not necessarily saying they should, I’m just saying they could.
They could also do the opposite, and make them bigger
just saying
Bring back the true power of
There should be a legacy version of
that should instantly crash whichever instance it’s sent to
and most importantly we are generally speaking unified.
It’s been a while since I did a sectarianism. I have a good reason to later today though
The emojis issue won’t be forever though
You have a games community but zero mentions of either Excite Truck or Excitebots: Trick Racing
Pretty damning TBH
Hexbear gamers, explain yourself!
I post about posting and game when I am gaming and never let the two mix. If I cant game about posting why would I post about gaming? Doesn’t seem fair does it?
You just posted about gaming
Nuh Uh I posted about posting about gaming. Checkmate
Your comment lead me to learn about the many sequels to the smash hit NES game Excitebike. I feel that I should have been informed of those titles prior to now, but the Hexbear games community has let us all down.
excitebots was the SHIT
that’s at the top of my wishlist for switch remasters
Why would we need to when we have a whole community dedicated to the greatest racing game of all time Sonic R?
🎶 can you feel the sunshine 🌞 as it brightens up your day (brightens up your day!!!) 🎶
Last week I was at the movies by myself to see Barbie and a big group of Hexbear users sat behind me and in the middle of the movie I opened up a can of beans to eat and one of the hexbear users yelled ‘Hey everybody, this nerd is eating beans!’ and the whole theater laughed at me. Thats why i will always hate you.
lies, hexbear users would never besmirch someone for eating beans
unless you put them on toast, that always makes chapos mad
Honestly I just get mad whenever a British person does anything
This mf eating meat
It was actually a can of cow milk.
Tell that to Bean dad
You silly Hexbear, that’s the fakest story I’ve ever heard in my life.
Why would somebody bother making a movie about a plastic doll for little girls?
Omg that was you?
Everyone! This dork eats beans in the cinema!! Bully him!
They hate us for our freedom
Because the rest of us don’t get your fancy pronoun picker.
You’re correct to be jealous of us. Although, I think we managed to port that feature upstream to the main Lemmy thingy as an optional feature? Check with your instance administrator!
Fun fact: the list very intentionally doesn’t start with lhe/him and she/her because cisnormativity can go fuck itself.
As a cis dude, why do you gotta keep doing that? Why you gotta keep making me jealous of your instance policies that create an inclusive and welcoming environment, especially for those facing current and historical oppression?
we made the policies by incessantly posting about it. 10/10 would recommend doing the same in every other instance. once you’ve changed the policy, every reactionary shithead will immediately out themselves by complaining about pronouns.
they hate us for our freedom :no-oil:
Well deserved
I wonder if it’s because you have an in-culture that they don’t understand. I haven’t bothered to look it up, but like what is chapotraphouse? I think it was a podcast, then a subreddit, but what does it mean?
I don’t hate you tho, just saying.
Chapo Trap House is a leftish comedy podcast with three (later four, then five, now back to three) hosts that knew each other from twitter. It mostly commented on happenings in politics with regular segments going over the latest right wing bullshit, and was one of few places that would criticize the democrats as well. The /r/chapotraphouse subreddit was nominally for discussion of the podcast but it quickly outgrew that and became a general-purpose left-wing subreddit with a focus on irreverent shitposting and hostility towards outsiders. Fast-forward a bit and the podcast hosts remark that they don’t like the subreddit anymore because people were criticizing them for various things, but nonetheless the subreddit continued to grow. A long-running joke that the “official podcast of the subreddit” was actually an entirely different podcast called Citations Needed began.
/r/cth was getting too big for the admins at reddit (one of whom thinks he’ll own slaves in the post-apocalypse to give you an idea of their politics) and was banned for ill-defined reasons of “promoting hate” against slave owners (perhaps the reddit admin was insulted by this). In the aftermath of the banning, some people got together on a discord channel and a variety of volunteers got to work creating the website using lemmy. A couple months(?) later, was complete, though it forked from lemmy relatively early on and would be unable to federate for some time. A variety of comms were made, including /c/chapotraphouse, which then was ostensibly for discussion of both Chapo Trap House and Citations Needed, though this wasn’t enforced or anything.
After some time, the admins decided to change the site name from to, because they no longer wished to associate with the podcast. In a completely failed attempt to encourage the growth of other communites on the site, the default “Main” comm was closed. Rather than this leading to the increased use of other comms that the admins were hoping for, /c/chapotraphouse became the new default comm. And finally, after much work from the dev team, reverted back to lemmy and was able to federate.
In summary: Chapo Trap House is a podcast.
In a completely failed attempt to encourage the growth of other communites on the site
This is revisionism
smh everyone knows that c/Main had to die so that the $
1200600 checks could go out the door immediately.I hope everyone remembers I made that post lmao, very proud of that one
It was very good
one of whom thinks he’ll own slaves in the post-apocalypse to give you an idea of their politics
If I’m not mistaken this same admin used to be a mod for the infamous jailbait sub too
There was a period where it was the biggest sub, so an admin would de facto be moderating it
This was back when being a mod for a sub was treated as a permission rather than a role. You didn’t have to accept it, existing mods could just make you a mod of a sub unilaterally. Various celebrities were technically mods of random subs by this (useless) definition.
Spez is a fucking freak but he probably never actually moderated the jailbait sub
I wonder if it’s because you have an in-culture that they don’t understand.
Definitely partially true. Some people have read posts here and made posts elsewhere saying things like “they’re right wingers pretending to be leftist” because they can’t understand satire and irony without having it spelled out to them and they’re automatically trying to assume the worst instead of realising that the entire instance is irony poisoned.
the redditors whose most common reply on reddit was “/s?!?!” all moved to the lemmyverse
CTH is a podcast, the subreddit was originally about it but quickly became its own thing. The podcast is your typical Brooklyn leftist hot couch thing where you get a bit of theory mixed in with a lot of jokes and parasocial relationships.
A long running joke is that the subreddit/Hexbear is actually a Citations Needed fanclub, because it’s a much a better podcast.
Personally I only listen to podcasts that read myths and legends and I’ve been here ages
got any recommendations?
Norse Mythology: The Unofficial Guide is a good one about the Norse myths. I just started it but the guy behind it does a good job explaining the stories and offering insights based on what information we have.
The greatest bit of irony is that in an attempt to explain the podcast, you used a super deep reference to the hot couch gag, almost like the in-jokes are completely involuntary for us at this point.
I remember on the old sub you’d frequently get people bragging about not listening to the pod who would then 5 minutes later make a really obscure reference to it.
So much of the language we use starts from the podcast. I think there’s the listener elite that start using the terms then others just pick it up. No matter the distance to the podcast, the new terms leak through.
From the same episode you also have the college camping trip and Stav’s grandpa, the greek failson bird collector. Definitely one of my most relistened to episodes.
Do you know what # it is? I don’t think I heard the other two stories.
Its from 241 “Hot Couch Nation”. Here’s the story about Stav’s grandfather
I would just like to be an anecdotal nuisance and say that I found this community without knowing or interacting with the chapotraphouse podcast or subreddit
me too.
That’s the correct way to find us. We’re like a witch’s hut in the woods.
:0 How’d you find it then?
I think I found it from GenZedong
GenZedong gang hell yeah
same, I’ve listened to a couple of episodes and can’t stand it. the community is something else.
I have never listened to Chapo Traphouse.
There is quite the in-culture for sure. I’ll laugh at something on here and my partner will ask what’s funny and I have to give like ten minutes of back story.
Never heard of it
the main podcast of the community
No it’s the drug dealer
Chapo is the podcast that started it all. It’s a pretty decent socialist podcast with our smart boy Matt on the rants radicalizing a lot of people from 2016-2020. A lot of us have politically moved beyond it, but it definitely colors our culture in that we use the same insults and heightened irony that the original pod did. Very early Chapo episodes had a section where they would read a couple articles from major papers and decide which authors get fired out of a cannon and which ones get jail for life, for example and pull up pictures of the writers and mock them. We very much do not care about polite frivolities or “umm akshually” pedantry and debate shit. We know we are communists and we mock anyone who isn’t
but like what is chapotraphouse?
It’s a podcast where a self loathing edgelord, a fat Greek, and a Jewish guy talk about working in the racism factory.
I hate you TANKIES because you MAKE ME READ!!!
Edit: oh shit I forgot to switch accounts
we are in desperate need of DoaWK emojis
I support most of what is said here, but users from here tend to be very aggressive and combative. Everything is politics and pretending otherwise is very lib, so I can both understand why you do it and why people find it annoying.
In the early days, this sub was constantly brigaded by chuds, terfs, libs, patsocs, wreckers and branches of leftism that were somehow even more online than us and had an irrational hatred of us for reasons that frankly I never cared enough to bother learning. Like any such place, that means we’re used to people coming in “just asking questions” with a bad take, and turning out to be a concern troll rather than someone asking in good faith and open to changing their mind.
This produced a culture of radical, frank struggle sessions, an approach to moderation that the Cheka circa 1919 would think lacks due process (and is good and cool and has made this place possibly the most LGBT friendly place on the net.), and a bad habit of dunking for a laugh. We’re not nearly as edgy as a first impression might give, though.
We are aggressive and combative against racism, ableism, transaphobia or when someone is attacking one of us or our community…that is what gives us the moral high ground.
Those are literally the only things we have got remotely aggressive with on the fediverse so far.
and homophobia, and capitalism, and sexism and imperialism and colonialism and bazinga brain, most importantly bazinga brain
I only listed the ones I seen us dogpile nerds for since federating. Lol
You must’ve missed the 1300+ comment thread about a succdem meme then lol
Lmao I love this place and all you terminally online weirdos
Since asked for it, I found the thread again. I figured youd might want to see it too
oh my god if you remember the title can you post a link? I extremely want to read that.
That thread is what made me log in again - Or it would’ve been if my password hadn’t mysteriously changed. Rip to a three-year old account
I can find it by digging to my first few comments - I think I posted 50 comments or something like that in there, it’s good to be backAnyway, rambling over here you go
Also disinformation and liberal bullshit
We’re hyper aggressive when it comes to certain things like hate.
This is then used by racists and bigots to claim we’re aggressive all the time. And because they say it ALL THE TIME it begins to be believed by people, even if that’s literally the only context in which they’ve seen our people get that hostile.
Stop right there, criminal scum! Nobody breaks the law on my watch!
Everything is politics
Pretending otherwise is lib.
You are getting it
I mean I am a communist sympathetic to hexbear, used to browse /r/chapotraphouse 😝
Welcome home, comrade
I don’t understand your in-jokes, but you infuriate the libshits and I find that very amusing.
deleted by creator
I hope you had a pleasant birthday, had something nice to eat, and generally enjoyed yourself.
I was there!
Because they just want to meme about China Bad and Russian Bots all day long
hey sometimes they switch it up a bit with russia bad and chinese bots
They are jealous of our raw posting power. They wish they could be as cool and constantly correct as us.
Heavy is the head that wears the crown
Tell me so that I can double down on those specific behaviors.
Being mean to bigots
Being uncivil
Being correct
Being smart, hot and sexy
Damn I struggle to do most of thess things
It’s okay, I realised I do all of these things plus ultra so I’m back to full self delusion levels 💪
this but unironically. I want to be as hostile and unwelcoming to libs as possible
Death to America
At first i was neutral on federation, then I was kind of opposed to it because of all the liberals, now that I’ve seen how angry the liberals get I’m extremely pro-federation.
Hating us is
behaviour just saying 💅