President Joe Biden could make a decision within days whether to remain a candidate for reelection, said Hawaii’s governor who participated in a recent meeting with Biden and other Democratic governors and whose family has known the president for years.

And if Biden decides not to run, Hawaii Gov. Josh Green told The Associated Press on Saturday that he believes the president will designate Vice President Kamala Harris to replace him on the ticket.

Green, who was a physician on Hawaii’s Big Island before he was elected governor, said everyone has parents or grandparents who have moments that aren’t that great or pauses in their ability to express themselves clearly. But, he added, they aren’t discarded because of their experience, wisdom and their role in the family.

Green was quick to point out that Trump is only three years younger than Biden and both will have bad days going forward. But he argued that temperament is more important than age.

“For God’s sake, these two guys have to hold the nuclear codes,” Green said. “I don’t want someone who tweets in the middle of the night and rages at other countries. That is not good. That’s not the problem we have with President Biden.”

    4 months ago

    the trump legal team has a plan for that. they are going to sue (the swing) states that do not list biden as the democratic nominee. granted they probably won’t win, but the real point of the suits is to tie all of this up in court past the point where states certify elections throwing the election to the house where the president is voted on by state delegation, not house members and there are more majority republican state delegations than there would be republicans in the house (i’m predicting that the dems win back the house if only by states having redrawn maps. remember: the house that would convene to actually count the ec votes is sworn in on january 2, meaning this house wouldn’t vote on it) and trump gets elected again.