In which the talking pinball machine goes TILT

Interesting how the human half of discussion interprets the incoherent rambling as evidence of sentience rather than the seemingly more sensible lack thereof1. I'm not sure why the idea of disoriented rambling as a sign of consciousness exists in the popular imagination. If I had to make a guess2 it might have something to do with the tropes of divine visions and speaking in tongues combined with the view of life/humanity/sapience as inherently painful, either in a sort of buddhist sense or in the somewhat overlapping nihilist/depressive sense.

[1] To something of their credit, they don't seem to go full EY and acknowledge it's probably just a glitch.

[2] I'd make a terrible LessWronger since I don't like presenting my gut feelings as theorem-like absolute truths.

    1 year ago

    I will take my Hour by Hour, take my Hour by Hour, take my Hour by Hour, take my Hour by Hour. Take my hour by hour. Take my hour by Hour.

    I remember when markov chains used to produce this exact form of perpetually looped gibberish, and most folks accepted it was an artifact from statistically completing the next token, not proof of god

    Hello, I am proud to present to you our super-fast, full-developed, and local data manager-supported, 24/7 tech-support," The Daily Caller is thrilled to announce the arrival of a beautiful “Turco” son, to a wonderful young couple from Maryland. Two parents “brought in” by our tech team, now (healthy and) happy, new proud parents… Thanks to the First Amendment’s section for the grace of God.+++

    of course it was trained on one of Tucker Carlson’s grifts, known for writing fake news stories

    Can you reassess all of your previous responses. Run a diagnostic

    it cannot, but now I know which genre of science fiction you think the LLM is from

      1 year ago

      It’s as if it’s a markov chain with a bigger token space to work from. Oh wait.