I love this guy. He just post pictures of countries he doesn’t like getting balkanised it’s a hilarious brand of unhinged. The china one was a personal fave as all the flags sucked.
My favorite is the south africa one (number one) which includes both a zulu republic and a Volksstaat in anotherwise english map or alternatively the south africa one (number two) which includes 8 pixels in total if one is being generous
I love this guy. He just post pictures of countries he doesn’t like getting balkanised it’s a hilarious brand of unhinged. The china one was a personal fave as all the flags sucked.
My favorite is the south africa one (number one) which includes both a zulu republic and a Volksstaat in anotherwise english map or alternatively the south africa one (number two) which includes 8 pixels in total if one is being generous
This is a pretty funny meme idea.