No evidence that those 70K people made it happen.
No evidence that those 70K people made it happen.
I disagree. We don’t need more people, we need a more efficient VA system.
The first step is laying off the chaff. It’s just returning the va to 2019 levels. The VA keeps growing much the number of veterans isn’t.
Not sure if you’re a veteran but I am. I look forward to the VA being more efficient.
Z needs America. We have the money and weapons. Support from Europe doesn’t get him what he needs.
Regret is an understatement. He handled it poorly as did Trump but at the end of the day, Z needs Trump. Trump doesn’t need Z.
What people really want to know is what dirt Epstein had on people. I use to tease my friend for going on about Epstein. He then gave me some articles on Epstein and his prison time. That was some weird shit.
People love gossip. The list by itself proves nothing. A good example is that Trump spent time with Epstein till he found out how creepy he was and then stopped. I suspect man people had the same reaction. The list isn’t the smoking gun people think it is.
The hype is that she was previously an AG. She is known for being competent. We can debate his other picks but she stands on her own.
I am doing no such thing. It’s been well proven Trump wasn’t involved with Epstein perversions.
Most likely no. While liberals want to pretend Donald has some strong allegiance with Epstein, that doesn’t appear to be true based on the files.
That doesn’t show that at all. That is just the number of staff by month.