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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: August 5th, 2020


  • I’m lowkey terrified of what this week will bring. but not any less terrified of the consequences if the situation does not escalate from here. Israel continues to rain death down across West Asia with no consequences save for attacks from the Resistance

    a red horse stares down the region today, her maw silently opening wider as her rider grins from the sheer joy of anticipation. the impotence of modern Western leadership, capping off the deliberate and evil policies of their forebears has culminated in an inferno that may well consume the world and reshape the global order permanently.

    whatever happens today, I hope that it is in service of a world where innocents are not slaughtered, and Israel in its current form has been either humbled or annihilated. but right now, the dogs of war are hungry. and one way or another, they will sate themselves.

    Death to Israel

  • i don’t really want to talk about this in the News Mega, because its personal, complicated, and i know trolls will try and goad me with edgy responses

    my little brother is a jewish israeli, born and raised in the entity. he is low functioning autistic, and still young enough to be in school. he doesn’t communicate how he feels very well, especially A) in writing and B) in English. he’s sending me messages from a bomb shelter, and he’s terrified. at least the messages have become a little more lighthearted over the course of the past hour; they’ve gone from “Iran is attack I am vary scard” from “💥 dj khaled voice: anoder one”

    There are innocents in the line of fire throughout the entire region. none of this should be happening. an insane settler-colonial ethnostate should never have been established, and my little brother should have been born somewhere where he could just play Fortnite and be a typical kid.

  • good morning gamers. i’ve never participated in this megathread before; is it just a general discussion thread where we talk about whatever’s on our mind?

    if so, my landlord removed a spotted orbweaver’s beautiful web from in front of the house. i really like creepy crawlies so i had reached out to him beforehand and told him “hey that giant spider in front of the house is a docile native species that helps control invasive pests”, but I guess his wife/gf is afraid of spiders

    i wish he’d asked me to move the spider or something first. there’s a male with a smaller web at the back of the house; perhaps in another timeline these two met, and are lovers