Oh no, I think you misunderstood me. I’m not arguing against alternative energy. I’m just highlighting some problems with solar tech and alternative energy systems that are relavant to the overall discussion of the very necessary transition away from fossil fuels. That’s good for First Solar. I’m not one to leave things to the economy to magically handle. I’m hoping there are people on here with some kind of connection somewhere, directly or indirectly, I can serve as a central repository of information to. I run a small nonprofit think tank focused on solving the polycrisis.
Wow. Shocker. Capitalism isn’t so easily reformable toward sustainability. I don’t understand why more democrats, like the ones who have been up until now relying on the sentiment of large financial institutions and corporations to finish the job of addressing climate change, don’t get their head in the game and realize how eco-unfriendly so much of capitalism is, and, depending on one’s definition of capitalism, how eco-unfriendly all of capitalism may be. I think some of them have developed a greater love for their white picket fence-esque life as marketed to them in real time than for understanding the impact of scientific information about climate change on the life of the planet including their own per an authentic scientific understanding - because the latter starts to look more socialist by almost every definition of socialism.