Lord, forgive me for what I’m about to do
Lord, forgive me for what I’m about to do
They apparently like making on memes shitting on people & things without really understanding why, like the one for the NVidia CEO
Actually the Red Star developers seem very serious
Talk about missing the forest for the trees. No, that would not have been a better move. Just put in some actual effort.
What are you referring to by “OSI”? Not the 7 layer model, but that’s all I can find. It’s good to explain abbreviations when they’re not the most common usage of that abbreviation.
If they don’t have my contacts, they can’t spoof a number from my contacts. If they just spoof local numbers, the chance of them choosing one of my contacts is incredibly slim.
So how do I become conscious of that?
I did Nazi that coming!!!
Yes, the same establishment democrats that fucked up this campaign. They literally can’t admit that factors like economic policy or Gaza were huge causes, because their employers won’t allow them, so they have to find another scapegoat.
I, as the doctor, didn’t pick you. Your organs happen to be compatible with all five recipients. It’s still random chance, you’re just unlucky because your organs work best.
So, we gonna chop you up, or not?
And how does a scammer get my contacts?
So philosophical debate on this topic is meaningless, because utilitarism is obviously correct?
Please take off your clothes and lay down here, I have five patients in desperate need of organ transplants.
You just made me remember The Coma Machine.
One day I’ll figure out the meaning of the song. Real banger, but still don’t have a full picture. One day.
So sind liberale Kapitalisten nunmal. Sie würden nicht nur ihre eigenen Mütter für ein bisschen Profit verkaufen, sondern auch das eigene Land an die Faschisten verschenken, nur damit die Linie ein wenig mehr nach oben geht.
It would go to live leak with one crunch from a freaking leave, because horses are couches with an insatiable death wish. They’ll use every opportunity to gallop towards the void, and they’ll take as many of you with them as they can.
Yes, I’m a Fedora user.
And yes, I own the Fedora type coffee thingy.
But I only use Fedora because of the great atomic variants, and I only own that thingy because I don’t drink coffee, and it’s a cheap way to still offer some to guests.
Jesus, this was embarrassing to read. You’re not just wrong, you’re also a massive asshole about it.
That’s exactly what an FBI plant would say!
Why did many powerful and rich people support Brexit? Crises shake up existing ownership structures, e.g. people sell houses and companies for lower than usual to cover rising costs. If your investments are spread out globally, you’ll be able to invest at these cheap low points, giving you a massive boost once the economy comes back.
Just look at home ownership since the mortgage crisis - so much wealth was transferred up, and it happens again and again.
Die Zweitzustellung klappt leider nur, wenn gerade nicht viel los ist und der Paketbote Lust hat. Mir wurde Mal ein neues Möbelstück direkt an einen Paketshop geliefert (Paketbote hatte wohl keine Lust), der aber blöderweise mehr als 20 Minuten entfernt war. Zu Fuß zu weit zum Tragen.
Ich hab eine Woche lang probiert, Zweitzustellungen zu beauftragen. Nachdem beim ersten Mal einfach nichts passiert, hab ich bei der Hotline angerufen. Die meinten dass das morgen auf jeden Fall klappt und ich es nochmal probieren sollte, und dass sie noch nie gehört haben dass das nicht funktioniert. Das hat sich 3x wiederholt, bis mir bei der Hotline gesagt wurde, dass Zweitzustellungen gar nicht versucht werden, wenn das Paketaufkommen erhöht ist.
Lösung war, das Paket wegen Nichtabholung zurückgehen zu lassen - der Versender hat es dann über DPD verschickt, was sofort geklappt hat.
Insgesamt also 4x in einer Woche von denen beschissen worden. Drecksverein.