InternetLefty [he/him]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 27th, 2020


  • I dig the message, but I don’t think that “race/gender/LGBT” topics are unimportant or not worth discussing, obviously. As an engineer I often feel like the work I do is not materially benefitting real people - usually it feels like we are playing with some rich folks Monopoly money trying to implement some magic feature or create some magic product before one of the other teams of people on the other side of the country does the same. It’s demoralizing. Having an opportunity to improve the technology related to production of the means of sustenance is the primary goal, but it’s really quite rare under imperialism, which is consistently a self-contradicting system. However, the liberatory effects of a modern economy include freeing us from those traditional vestiges of social expectation related to our assigned genders, and as Marxists we should continue to study this as an emergent social phenomenon and not through some close minded lens. Race too has an important and distinct dimension under imperialism which any modern Marxist should be able to see, although maybe from the perspective of a young Chinese person that is not so easy to see? Nevertheless, social and technological progress = good

  • How can we be sure anyone did anything or was anywhere? Even in cases where there were eye witnesses or DNA evidence, none of that is conclusive in the pure sense, it’s just a testimony and occurrence. There’s always a possibility that everyone is lying, the video evidence has been tampered with, the fingerprints were planted or perhaps the lab mistakenly identified them as so-and-sos when they were really someone else’s. All we can do is determine based on the available knowledge and wisdom of the day how likely it was that a crime was committed based on the evidence.

    With the case of OJ, there was a pattern of abusive behavior in his relationship with his ex wife, DNA evidence at the crime scene, and the murder itself based on the condition of the bodies of the deceased and the state of the crime scene suggested that the assailant committed an intensely violent act on Nicole and her friend, not characteristic of a botched robbery etc. Along with OJs testimony and his suspiciously timed travel arrangements, and in the absence of another theoretical perpetrator, there is a pretty compelling case against him.

  • My spouse and I waited 5 months to tell each other, and I let them do it first, even though I really wanted to say it like right away, like you. Loving someone is the combination of the way they make you feel and knowing who they truly are deeper than the surface. Let the honeymoon period end and then say it. 4-5 months is I think totally reasonable.

    I’ll put it like this - you adore someone you can stay up all night talking to, but you love someone who you could shit your pants around because you have food poisoning, because you know they’d just laugh and bring you clean clothes and then tease you about it for years. Can you see the difference? Good luck comrade-fly