hey maybe accept that you will never achieve as much as this person. Don’t pretend that a NASA article about you won’t make you feel successful.
hey maybe accept that you will never achieve as much as this person. Don’t pretend that a NASA article about you won’t make you feel successful.
So you think everyone should act in accordance with how while male peers think or act in a way that makes them not think “DEI Hire”.
I have news for you: those people will find excuses to exclude POC regardless of DEI
That’s not how I read it at all. You’re so close to figuring out why POCs need DEI. You GF can’t get a job without DEI because of racism. Regardless of her skill or experience. DEI forces employers to look beyond skin colour.
I still don’t get why the modern web is built on such a problematic language. Do webdevs also have a kink for getting sued by Oracle?
maybe the concept of being in a hurry is alien to me as I am not tardy or impatient, or accept that I will be late and just not act like a baboon rushing towards a potential lunch.
In git’s defence a perfect diff algorithm seems like a difficult problem to solve in the general case, regardless of VCS… unless any of the next generation VCSes do better then I would take that as a recommendation to check them out!
I hate the concept of escalator etiquette because there’s the smallest amount of space and people feel the need to carve it up for those who can’t be patient or use the wide stairs. there’s no reason someone can’t use stairs if they are in a hurry.
whats so bad about rust?
when even nvidia has a better reception to modern languages than some linux maintainers!
You think complainers cease to exist when the software becomes paid? You only need to look at gamers to find a very vocal bunch of angry people in that crowd. This is true for any enthusiast space.
if you can’t explain your problem and expect people to read between the lines then don’t be surprised people assume the unspoken parts. we’re not oracles here!
the linux foundation is not the core linux team. they’re just a corporate interest group whose 2% contribution is to the linux kernel.
“Principal Engineer” or “Principal System Engineer” is what you call it in places that don’t say some variant of “Architect”
on the other hand challenges like these give us valuable experience. Its not often one has the opportunity to write two programs in different languages from scratch and figure out the coupling. I know I would be excited if I got paid to do such things.
And loose coupling is a good constraint to force a good design for your application.
your objections, I assume are related to duplicated work, and security related?
There are some warts of C that I feel Rust addresses very well. Mainly extensible type system that is not bad like C++. Secondly cargo. Building and packaging just feels wrong in C.
Only one place where C is still better than Rust: Rust does not have a well defined standard ABI. Hence every project compiles everything from source and link statically. Whereas with C we have a standard ABI that can allow for dynamic linking.
looks like a lot of people want to die on the C programming hill. Cannot blame them, they have no will or ability to keep learning in an industry that *checks notes* …asks you to keep learning!
throwing away the benefits of incremental build is actually not justifiable. Does your org not have a build team?
we could add so much deterministic code at 1.5GB that would start religions…
shame of you to pull the “I have kids!” card just so you can shove people aside in public for your tardiness. It would seem one can act like a complete ape with no sense of time in public and be excused because “Oh I have kids, you wouldn’t understand!”.
guess what? Everybody has kids or have had kids! If to u really care about them take the damn stairs? I don’t think you would have “fat lazy” people blocking your way?