• 4 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 20th, 2023

  • I’ve tried to get into Mastodon, but always struggled to get into it. This is just me making assumptions here but I feel like the lack of centralization hurts something like Mastodon. Having to pick an instance, then sign up, and the kind of wrap your head around Federation limits adoption and I feel the limited user base hurts Twitter-clones more than other kinds of social media.

  • Healthcare shouldn’t be political currency. Healthcare care is an inherently political issue, as each government has to determine the best strategy for them, but like many things in the US politicians see it as just another talking point and something that actually impacts people. This leads to policy being made by people who aren’t knowledgeable about healthcare for people who have strong about healthcare but often aren’t impacted by these policies and don’t have a strong understanding of the topic.

    While it would still be a horrible thing to have happen, I’m starting to think that having a bunch of LLMs run/control the government wouldn’t necessarily be worse than what we have now (at least in the US).

  • So you’re partially right, what you say about meditation helping and restructuring the brain is true and it can help. However, it isn’t an end all be all cure for everyone.

    When talking about ADHD, I usually make sure we agree on the definition. Here when I reference ADHD I’m not just talking about the symptoms (inattentiveness, hyperactivity, executive functioning, impuls control, etc), I also mean that these symptoms exist in a person in such a way that it makes their life significantly harder. So, things like struggling or being unable to hold down a job, maintain friendships, and/or live independently.

    ADHD does present differently in different people (often broadly categorized into Predominantly Inattentive Type, Predominantly Hyperactive-Impulsive Type, and Combined Type) as well as affecting people with different intensities. This, to the best of my understanding, also means that different strategies for coping with ADHD have differing levels of effectiveness. While some may benefit immensely from meditation, others will need to make other lifestyle changes or will absolutely need medication to handle their symptoms. Usually a combination of different techniques are required to be able to effectively function with ADHD. What techniques work may change over time as well, as our bodies change.

    The reason why stimulants or other medications prescribed so often is that they are consistently and broadly effective with helping people manage their ADHD symptoms. It’s best to treat meds as a starting point, something that can keep you going while you determine if non-medication base solutions work for you and start to implement them in your life (if they exist, for some they don’t). Unfortunately, many people don’t have access to proper therapy to get that far. They might be able to get a diagnosis and prescription, but don’t have the ability to continue to get the help they need in further exploring solutions.

    While I’m glad meditation works for you, it is a wonderful tool, ADHD (and mental health in general) is complex and cannot be ‘fixed’ for everyone in a reliable, repeatable way.

  • I do not understand the reason for swearing being considered bad.

    I do not understand why replacement words are better.

    If it were the specific sounds being made that are wrong, replacement words would make sense. However, since other languages have no prohibition on these words and may have words that sound the same/similar to swear words in another language.

    If the meaning behind the words was the ‘bad’ part, then replacing those word with other words that express the same idea would be just as wrong.

    Who determines which words are bad? If it’s a cultural thing I guess it makes sense but a person is fickle and groups of them even more so. I still don’t understand why a group would prohibit specific words but not their meanings (barring superstition, like in the case of the origin of word “bear”). If it were a deity of some kind, it makes me return to the question why specific words in specific languages but not the meaning and intent behind those words.

  • OmgItBurnstoLinux@lemmy.mlWindows doesn't "just work"
    20 days ago

    See, I’ve had a similar experience getting games to run on Debian. Steam games crash and require research and testing to see if I can even get them to run, having some in-game videos just not play, black screens, and games just kinda freezing are all super common for me. That’s just when trying to run games via Proton.

    I get some of it can be tied to a skill issue on my part, but at the end of the day I’m tired and don’t want to spend what little free time I have tinkering to get a game working, at least most days.

    Still, my dislike for Windows 11 outweighs my interest in gaming so Debian stays.

  • The only slight difference is that they just want you to get any job, so they might push you to a job you don’t really want.

    A decent recruiter should push you towards any job they think you’ll do well at. They want to build relationships with companies and maintain a good relationship. They might not always be knowledgeable about skill sets and quirks of every industry, however.

    There are a few who will just push anyone to any job but they tend to be easy to weed out and either don’t last long or find a very specific niche where they can get away with that behavior.

  • OmgItBurnstoMemes@lemmy.mlI do what I want
    1 month ago

    I opted out of the ability to have kids and am in a long term relationship with no intent to marry, unless a legal reason suddenly appears. I’m in my late 30’s and have I do have many friends who have gone down this route, some are more mature, successful, and/or happy than I am and some are not.

    I’m a big advocate of those things not being a thoughtless choice, but something that a person takes a long time to think about before they try for either one. I’ve met way too many people who either, while they love their kid(s), don’t like how their life turned out because of them or are miserable in their marriages and will likely get a divorce.