Wow around 3k hours, swtor 1.5k, dcs world 2k, counter strike source 1.5k, arma 3 900, space engineers 850 hours and san andreas multiplayer around 700
I like fast planes, fast cars and fast everything. Also games and music.
Wow around 3k hours, swtor 1.5k, dcs world 2k, counter strike source 1.5k, arma 3 900, space engineers 850 hours and san andreas multiplayer around 700
That would be unfair towards people like me who are into cars and just spend much more in proportion to my income compared to someone who just wants to go from A to B.
Only fair solution is to make it like north european countries do, based on your income.
I was about to say… i just dropped shiddit the other day, i like it here but for now browsing the popular feed is a sure way to get depressed and my own feed is not there yet. Need some more cool chill subs
Makes those games look so much better! That gen of games just doesn’t make sense on LCDs and it shows.
I would love to buy a small CRT because the filters are not perfect. Just a big pillow to sit on, a crt, small furniture with snes, n64 and psx and that’s it.
One that didn’t discover pulled pork, obviously
Stopped watching TV as a teenager, it’s too passive for me so i prefer just watching the shows and movies i care about or game.
The only thing i like about TV is having it run in the background to keep me company but as you can imagine i don’t have any contract with the provider so it’s usually just yt or twitch
For us it’s probably going to be 2026 or 2027 i imagine… sucks but at least we have to give it to them, they make a good pc port usually.
On the other hand the pc market grew quite a bit since gta V so maybe there’s a bit of hope after all
To be honest if it wasn’t for flight sims and my complete ultrawide indoctrination I’d be fine with whatever the mid range has to offer. APU and low end is a stretch, I’m still living the trauma of having an ati 9200le and having to play counter strike source at 15fps in dx 8.1
I have never seen a wooden floor in a kitchen, where do you live? May as well use a carpet floor lol