a historic ally of ours is doing something bad… We will speak out against them.
Was that what the police were doing on Columbia and UCLA?
You’re being boxed in. Elon bought the liberals under Obama/Biden. He’s buying out the conservatives under Trump.
Clearly these two things are the same.
Gunwalking (Wide Receiver/F&F) is at least allegedly intended to map firearm traffic for the purpose of orchestrating stings.
I might argue the Republican scandalmongering was about shielding their deep state counterparts from being outed, rather than persecuting CIA linked gun trafficker assets in the ATF.
But maybe I’m wrong. Maybe everybody is just stepping on one another’s dicks.
It was coined by British Trots to describe Internationalists who failed to condemn Stalin’s occupation of Eastern Europe. Western liberals adopted the terminology to describe any form of insurgent anti-colonialist movement or its supporters. Eventually, it became a tag-line for American activists and politicians writ-large.
You hardly have to speculate.
Condor was formally created in November 1975, when Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet’s spy chief, Manuel Contreras, invited 50 intelligence officers from Chile, Uruguay, Argentina, Paraguay, Bolivia, and Brazil to the Army War Academy in Santiago, Chile. The operation ended with the fall of the Argentine junta in 1983.
In 1980, Regional Security Officer James Blystone had met with an Argentine Intelligence Source. In the declassified memo, Blystone had asked about the disappearance for two Montoneros that had plans to travel from Mexico to Brazil to meet with other Montoneros. The Argentine Intelligence Source had explained that they had been taken and interrogated, and later contacted their Mexican and Brazilian counterparts for approval to conduct an operation to capture the other Montoneros that were expecting their arrival. Once they were under custody, they had utilized fake documents to check into their hotel to impersonate their presence and not alert any other Montoneros of their capture. They were imprisoned at Campo de Mayo
The Mexican Connection of the Iran Contra Affair
In what newspapers here are calling ‘‘the Mexican connection’’ to the Iran-contra affair, the Mexican political establishment and its right-wing opposition are trading charges that each has maintained improper contacts with American organizations supplying aid to anti-Sandinista forces in Nicaragua.
Critics of the opposition National Action Party accused the party of treason after it was disclosed last month that a prominent party member met several times in Washington last year with Carl R. (Spitz) Channell, director of the National Endowment for the Preservation of Liberty.
Mr. Channell recently pleaded guilty to conspiracy to defraud the American Government by raising tax-deductible contributions for a purpose that was not deductible: buying arms for the contras. He was an associate of Lieut. Col. Oliver L. North, who developed the contra arms supply network while working for President Reagan’s National Security Council.
Some examples of Mexico’s paramilitary abuses at the time included the sexual assault and rape of dozens of female detainees by police in San Salvador Atenco, and the disappearances of dozens of teachers in the state of Oaxaca in 2006, as well as the killings of seven innocent bystanders, including the American journalist Brad Will by off-duty policemen. Almost half of Mexican police officers examined in 2008 failed background and security tests, a figure that rose to nearly 9 of 10 policemen in the border state of Baja California
Rome: Okay, but once the war is over we can send fresh wine and olive oil up into your provinces
Rest of Europe: Yaaay!
Rome: In exchange for slaves you send to us as tribute
Rest of Europe: Awww…
Now we’ve got a guy who’s excited for ethnic cleansing
Damn. You’re right. The real virtue with Joe Biden was his lack of enthusiasm.
Crazy that Village Idiot is one of the most coveted jobs in America.
flipping open a history book about the life of George Washington
Oh… shit… He did what?
Holy fuck, dude, wtf? That’s disgusting.
Omfg, just die already.
Wait… from bloodletting by a quack doctor? Fuckin’ really? Damn, bro. You dumb as shit.
There’s no reason to arrest him, he didn’t break any laws.
By unfurling a flag that represents an enemy nation and its people, he is threatening the reputation and profits of the NFL franchise. This is a more dangerous act than the violation of any law (which - hey, fuck it - not like people don’t get away with doing that shit all the time).
He’s lucky he left the stadium with a pulse.
only can they decide to ban him for that but they may be able to sue him for breach of contract or something.
It was, without a doubt, a brave and revolutionary act. Americans hate that shit.
Can’t believe a man who has dedicated himself to climbing on every popular trend and riding it into the dirt would do this.
Baseball’s a great date night because there’s plenty of time to talk and chill in between plays and innings.
But you do need to have some kind of chemistry.
Why would DeepSeek supposedly get more downloads from the app store?
Just for starters, its been in the news non-stop for weeks.
Xi Streisand-ed it hell and back
This doesn’t make any sense.
The same way calling Bibi a murderer isn’t antisemitic
I’ve heard from quite a few ranking Democrats that calling Bibi a murder is antisemitic.
Government leaders are not a protected class/race, sorry.
Why do westerners insist in finding excuses to inject racist caricatures into a discussion about civil rights? I simply don’t understand why shouting “Look at Netanyahu, the greedy hook-nosed jew holding a bag of gold!” benefits anyone in any way. It just seems like 4chan levels of racism-for-racism’s-sake.
Are all liberals this desperate to spew slurs or is it just the terminally online ones?
being on the side of the rule of law
Except when you override prohibitions on arming a county in defiance of the ICC because it’s Israel.
it’s not safe to leave your data with Chinese corporations/government
What does this have to do with trying to get a piece of Chinese software to say “Taiwan is independent”? Is this phrase pivotal to your data security somehow?
The real brainwashing is “you can trust US corporations with it instead!”
Its tiresome to see people so cavalier with their data security suddenly express intense (often entirely impotent) anxiety over Evil Foreign Country getting at their data. I don’t even think its fair to say “US corporations” are where the brainwashing enters in, so much as this shock doctrine of national news that tells you to install some malware dressed up as antivirus tech to protect your Macbook from “hackers”, right after Colonial Pipeline gets hit with ransomware.
I’m reminded of people claiming Stuxnet Virus was an Iranian computer attack on the US, after the Obama Admin - in collaboration with Israel - deployed the virus to shut down Iranian centrifuges running outdated versions of Microsoft Windows without considering the possibility of blowback.
They’d have never had any issue with Chinese software if they agreed to share all their data with the US…
The degree to which the US is regularly targeted from within the Five Eyes network cannot be overstated.
It’s funny to see people view the “Taiwan is a part of China” as insidious government brainwashing. But they don’t see relentless fabrications about a Chinese software as insidious government brainwashing.
Who even does? Ad rot has diminishing returns
Nobody with empathy wants to burn down a state building
Patreon has it’s own internal hosting, yes. But is it still leaning on Azure/AWS? shrug Probably.
Conservatives who say they love the Constitution are a bit like Prosperity Gospel preachers who say they love the Bible.
They don’t see this statement as an expression of ideology. They see it as a psychological hack to disarm their audience.
The idea of a politician with principles used to be the punchline to a sitcom comedy routine or the climax of a utopian drama.
It’s dizzying to see people blindly trust what has always been a pool of con artists and hustlers, both along conservatives (who doge-edly insist Trump is the Real Deal) and liberals (who keep screaming “hypocrite!” at a party that flaunts its hypocrisy)