Joke’s on you. I have Firefox set up to delete all cookies upon exiting, so what few I do accept don’t get to stick around for long…
DuckDuckGo has a page for adding or updating !bang commands (used to redirect searches to other sites). I requested they change which URL !mcwiki searches get directed to, using the search pattern instead of the gamepedia or fandom one.
I’m trying to figure out how to contact DuckDuckGo, so they can redirect the !mcwiki command to the new site, but no luck so far. EDIT: Nevermind, I found the form.
Probably to better highlight the local differences for both areas. The entire scale is significantly higher for the bottom map.
I used to play Audiosurf for every new CD I bought. Good times.
Roomba boss level.
My wife has one of these. I don’t like the weird texture it has and often refer to it as her “space waffle” pillow, which gets a laugh out of her.
It’s like articles that ask a question in the title…
Reminds me of this:
With the way the prices have risen, it’s nearly “no fast food for the poor” already anyway…
It also could be that they are drive-through only. I live in a small town in the midwestern U.S. and a lot of fast-food places around here closed their lobbies during the pandemic and just never reopened them after, usually citing worker shortages.
Metalocalypse always makes my day…
Microsoft always has such a weird relationship with naming conventions… just look at Xbox and all of its descendants.
Many ranges and ovens do have the option to do this hidden in the settings somewhere. It may be worth do a search for how to do it on your model. (Model and serial number are usually on a sticker that is visible when the lower drawer is opened.)
Fotonica definitely deserves more love. A simple adrenaline-rush timing-based running game, but extremely addictive! Good for getting really into that hyperfocus zone.
“Closed to bicycles.” Well, darn.
Gimli as Debian seems fitting (coming from a Debian user). 😆 Something about stability and stoutness.
No, but you just discovered a hidden nerd-bait joke from the show’s creators. One of the guys working on the show created some sort of program that could generate close-but-not-quite solutions. The one shown here isn’t actually equal, but they are close enough that the difference won’t show up without a more precise calculator, since both sides are roughly 6.397665635 x 1043.
398712 + 436512 = 63 976 656 349 698 612 616 236 230 953 154 487 896 987 106
447212 = 63 976 656 348 486 725 806 862 358 322 168 575 784 124 416
EDIT: I should have read the other comments. Looks like I’m late to the party.