I swear by my pretty floral bonnet I will end you.
I swear by my pretty floral bonnet I will end you.
How do you handle merging between devices? Do you manually transfer/sync every time you add a new password?
Not trying to sell you on putting it in cloud storage or anything, but one really nice benefit to doing so is automatic merging through clients like Keepass2Android. If I add a new site to my phone and it doesn’t already have the latest copy of my vault, it’ll fetch and merge that first.
Read -> Comprehend -> Post
So just to be clear, people aren’t allowed to criticize ads in Firefox unless they’re open source developers actively contributing to Firefox or they only use… What, Opera?
Been a few years but I think it’s from this show if anyone’s curious.
The camp is a large part of the appeal. Think Japanese sci-fi B-movie that never takes itself too seriously. If you can appreciate bargain bin monster movies, you’ll probably dig the goofiness of EDF.
Gamplay-wise, it does get a bit repetitive, but the more recent titles have improved on that somewhat by allowing for more organic progression without having to do quite so much grinding for armor and weapons.
The device in the thumbnail is the Ayaneo Flip DS, for anyone else wondering. From a quick search, it runs Windows and is stupid expensive.
CopenHill deserves a mention, although it would be nice if it were more of a blueprint for industrial architecture going forward, rather than a wonder unique to one progressive European country.
I wasn’t able to install from the Play Store, but it’s on F-Droid too.
Doubt they’ll go by IP location, but there may be a workaround depending on the service.
For example, California already has a similar law around cancelling gym memberships initiated online. Planet Fitness customers can just set their “home gym” to one in California to get access to one-click cancellation, even if their billing address is in another state.
Is there a mail client you prefer, by the way? I’ve been pretty happy with Spark for a while now, but I don’t care about their AI features and I’d really like Gmail tag support.
Honestly, it just looks like a content blocker dropped some ads from the grid and there are either leftover containers or some CSS that’s expecting elements to be in a specific order.
Rich asshole with a reality TV show? Probably just as likely that we elect him president, wait for him to commit treason and more felonies than anyone can reasonably keep track of, and then fail to hold him meaningfully accountable for any of it.
Intel skepticism aside, I hope they can deliver on this. M-series Macs seem streets ahead in terms of battery life right now and it doesn’t feel great buying any other portable.
They otter go back to school.
Curry Pizza House? I love that place.
How weird, I was just thinking about this guy yesterday after forgetting about him for probably ~5 years. I got pretty into buying, repairing, and modding broken iPods for a little while thanks in part to some of his goofy but informative teardown videos. Still have a small box of parts somewhere.
Haven’t watched the video yet, but I’ll be a little surprised if he doesn’t immediately fire up Shrek to test whatever media player came with his distro.
First thing I noticed too. I’ve seen house balls with two sets of finger holes that are differently sized, but they’re usually on opposite sides of the thumb hole. I could maybe see this pattern for giving another grip option depending on hand size or where you place your thumb, if the thumb hole were offset. You’d still use two fingers, but you have two options for where to put them in relation to your thumb position.
Friends of Big Bear Valley has one with bald eagles that’s pretty spectacular sometimes. https://www.friendsofbigbearvalley.org/eagles/
Monterey Bay Aquarium has some too. I like the sea otters and African penguins.