Ah okay, thanks! I generally don’t buy much ebooks so am a bit oblivious about this. My very short e-collection is pretty much all public domain and direct from author books.
And yeah, Calibre is great, use that to connect / transfer books to my very old reader.
I have only heard about them in relation to poisoning and radiation, didn’t know they had effect on labour laws. Should check it out.
While I don’t like going in fully blind, but I do try to avoid reading back cover summary, they sometimes spoil some of the stuff that can be very interesting when you reach it in text naturally.
I gave up on A Song of Ice and Fire when I realised he is never going to finish it.
Also, books are just too depressing. I don’t like my fantasy to be that dark.
Yeah, I am enjoying the era 2 books. Glad to see that they are well liked.
Ah, interesting. I am at very beginner level myself, could read the hiragana but not the Kanji, so would eventually need to find some books for my level, but with my speed, it’s probably going to be years before I get there.
Well, there was only amazon link, and it said “kindle format”, I assume that meant it’s only for kindle?
I have been thinking about starting a new webnovel, this looks like a good option, have heard it mentioned a few times.
There’s no way to buy ebooks for anything other than kindle though, so if I get into it, would have to find some way around that.
I love history, but that feels like too much history at once.
Which of these is most enjoyable?
This looks interesting. Adding it to my list.
How’s Planetary? Just looked it up, it’s by Warren Ellis, he is also behind Transmetropolitan, and I just couldn’t get into it.
Heh. Okay, let’s see how the world is, can take a look at overall book list after that.
Nice. Recently got Eisenhorn omnibus, my first foray into W40K books. Haven’t started it yet though.
Assuming I like the series, any recommendations where to next after that?
Thanks for the info!
Does it require any knowledge of the Civil War?
Hehe, glad to see you rediscovering your favourite music.
I think I am done with Abercrombie, as much as I like his books, he is too cruel to his characters. Let me know if Devils is any different, but I doubt so.
Well, the second era isn’t as dreary, so that’s a big plus for me. I do miss the complete badass-ness and power of Vin and Kelsier though. But I have just read the first book yet, so let’s see how it progresses. Liking Wayne quite a bit. He is weird. 😀
Ah cool, that’ll probably be my next book.
I have heard they changed somethings in the show, and all my friends seem to love it. (None of them have read the books)
I haven’t watched it yet though, don’t watch much shows anyways, and wanted to read the books first even if I do watch it.
I was just thinking about messaging you the other day, to see where you disappeared to!
Will look up Binti novellas. How’s Down With the System?
Oh, didn’t know about Bean Free Library, thanks for the mention!