• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Yikesaroni! Congrats on making it through.

    I drive as little as I can these days, but I used to drive a lot in Chicago. Talk about aggression! It’s like a game everyone is playing and you get points by being the biggest asshole who.

    I live in Portland now and driving here for the first time was a real eye-opener. Still terrible in it’s own ways! But at least the drivers seem to want to cooperate for safe trips all around, for the most part.

    Fuck cars.

  • I am not religious. There are definite evils in this world though. This fuck is evil and unworthy of even another thought from any of our beautiful minds.

    Though he does seem worthy of some very well-placed kicks from our beautiful feet…

    Joking, of course! I know I wouldn’t want to get that close to a human cess pool - I’d rather go to a “Random Loud Noises That Are Scary To Me + Small Talk + All The Music That Grates On My Nerves” convention.

  • I’m with you as far as “humans deserve food that won’t make ‘em sick, regardless of circumstances” but expired food can often still be fine - you just are outside of the manufacturer’s guarantee that it should still be good.

    When I gotta choose between “expired food” and “nothing”, I choose to give expired food the visual + sniff + small taste test before consuming.

  • Sup, Ganesh! I’m HandOfDumb :) This is a neat question you’ve asked and I’m stoked to see more answers.

    I was raised in Catholicism, though my family has, largely, stopped following that specific religion so closely (though many are still religious). I don’t follow any specific religion and am unsure what I consider myself - atheist fits well enough!

    Somethings that stick for me are many of the kindnesses that live within bible stories. There’s a lot of good stuff in there, of course! And most of (what I consider to be) the good stuff is along the lines of being a good person. But some of it is kinda off-beat.

    Like, there’s a bit in there about a proclamation that people should forgive debts after some seemingly arbitrary amount of time (seven years?) and that really jibed with me. Not the time part, but just forgiving pals/family you might have loaned money to. If I spot a friend $5 for something, I’m not going to hold it against them and ask them to repay. If they do repay? Great! But I will never expect it and I will not be offended if they do not.

    Similarly with larger sums. If I’m okay to loan it to someone, I’m okay to lose it.

    Anyhoo, I think it’s awesome that you like cows :) they remind me of big ol’ dogs and I like them very much. They can teach us more than they can fill our bellies, I think!

  • handofdumb@lemm.eetoAutism@lemmy.worldMore small talk
    1 year ago

    I’m a fan of this method, lol.

    When I can muster it, I treat small talk like a game rather than something to try and get out of. I have to listen for any clues that tell me how I can take the conversation from the tutorial stage to the next level. Once I think I’ve got a clue to go off, I can ask another question about the topic to see if it gets the other person talking about something deeper.

    But it’s a tough game to play!

  • That’s a bummer that you get unwelcome judgements for thesesorts of things!

    That happened to me a lot in school, as I had clothes I’d wear on specific days of the week and would also often eat the same stuff for lunch every day. Some folks got it (hey, friends!) and some were just nasty about it.

    In my current workplace, while there are questions sometimes, I’m thankful there aren’t unwelcome judgements on both my clothes and my eating habits. Though, when someone asks or comments on my current wardrobe (which consists of multiples of the same black pants, black t shirts, and flannel shirts), I’ve started just saying “I’m in my final phase as an adult goth kid”, as that often turns the conversation around to talking about what sorts of non-typical clothes folks wore in their youth.

    It’s a neat trick and I’m glad it fits for my clothes and my personality because it really helps take some of the conversational pressure off that sort of thing.

    I’m rambling. I just wanted to let you know that I understand and also I hope that those unwelcome judgements happen to you less frequently as time goes on.

  • There’s tons of good comments here. Mine will echo some! I just wanted to share my experience.

    I have three hobbies that I’ve explored since moving to a new city in my 30s - axe throwing, pinball, and making music.

    I found a local axe league and joined for a season. One season has become four :) The people I throw axes with are wonderful and varied. While we may not have crossed paths otherwise, they’re fine folks and I consider many my friends.

    I went to a local pinball bar for a casual tournament and have been going every other week since. It a supportive community and I’ve had a great time learning about the games and learning about the folks on my various teams.

    I answered a Craigslist ad for a band looking for another member. We’ve clicked quite well and have practices together, go out together, record together, and even play shows!

    Exploring your own hobbies in some sort of structured way might be a good step in your own quest :) Good luck!