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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 1st, 2023


  • My last response was unacceptably juvenile so I’ve retracted it - with my apologies.

    I’ll stick to the actually important part.

    We may differ on matters ecclesiastical but this is all I really care about: If you are a Christian are you the type that actually follows the word of Jesus?

    Not churchgoing, I don’t care about that. Instead, being someone who forgives others, is charitable and helps those in need, as commanded by Jesus?

    If so then you and I have no problems. I like you already - which means it makes even less sense to make enemies with you over the internet.

    Enjoy your Friday.

  • It was literally altered to enhance the claim of the divine right of kings, among other changes.

    “A popular Puritan bible had downplayed the divine right of kings — greatly offending James — and James manipulated different Christian sects until they agreed to produce a different translation.”


    This is your religion, I shouldn’t have to be telling you this. It’s even been altered numerous times since KJV. It is not a literal translation and numerous books were left out because… they didn’t like what was said.

    Don’t get me wrong; Christianity has many laidable tenets - “Don’t murder”, “Don’t steal”, etc. - basic rules for having a maintainable civilization, same as other major religions.

    But don’t pretend it is some static thing. It has been and is manipulated for polical purposes and is used to justify horrific treatment of others (same as other religions).

    You might want to look more closely, but beware - studying religion too carefully is often the birth event of athiests.